
Indian boasting alerting the Americans to kill it before it is too late

 Boasting is in Indian blood and in their heritage I suppose. Reality is what counts. India is no longer weak is a big statement, same as boasting that India is now a superpower and becoming the factory of the world. Not hard to believe so, since India is already the country with the biggest population and reaping its 'population dividends'. In what way, I still cannot tell the reality from the fairy tale.

India must be thinking that Satan is not listening or watching, as Satan is very wary of countries taking over its reign at the top. Japan, Germany and now China were and are being taken to task for trying to overtake the USA. Boasting about becoming a superpower is unproductive in the face of Satan. It will only elicit unwelcomed response sooner or later. Now that India is still useful as a counter to China, Satan is content to bid it's time to deal with India. This is to be expected, as even Anglo-Saxon Germany, its ally and white countrymen, could not escape punishment when it tried to go one up on Satan. 



  1. We must admire the Indian ability to boast & believing their own BS. Otherwise how can they be so successful in being recruited to manage/head foreign own companies. Perhap we should have a skill future course in "Boasting" conducted by the very expert themselves.

  2. Putin no longer wants to negotiate with Ukraine. Modi is trying to do what Wang Yi did in the Middle East, negotiating a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Modi is trying to broker a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. Was he pushed by the West and Zelensky to make this move knowing that Russia and India have good relations and Ukraine is toast? That attack on Kursk put paid to any such deal.

    Political analysts, Alexander Mercouri and Alex Christoforou, are of the opinion that Zelensky is now trapped in Kursk using an attempt to lure Russia troops away from Eastern Ukraine. Instead, Putin just sent in more troops towards Kursk from inside Russia, creating a bigger force that is trapping the Ukrainians trying to hold territory inside Kursk.

    Winter is not too far away, and Ukrainian troops trapped inside Kursk will be dead ducks, just like Hitler and Napolean's army, fighting the weather more than fighting with the Soviets. Russia will pick them off like flies. Most Ukrainians fighters will probably just surrender rather than facing certain death.

    Zelensky is trapped with troops diverted towards Kursk and losing ground in Ukraine Itself. Some have unofficially commented that NATO countries are providing fighters in the Kursk incursion, which is going to be worse off for Zelensky and NATO. Like the situation in the earlier stage of the conflict, they were frantically trying to extract foreign personnel from the steel plant in Eastern Ukraine when the battle was lost and suffered heavy casualties and sacrificing several helicopters to no avail.

    Trying to hold Kursk and use that as a territorial exchange should any form of peace deal be brokered is a wet dream. Putin will not allow Ukraine to be used by NATO to threaten Russia. Zelensky should just drop his clownish behavior.

  3. USA loves Indian Hindus, just like they love the Xinjing Uyghur Muslims. I would not call it love. It is all just interest. They are assets to be used and discarded.

    How much love for Muslims is shown the Middle East. And the Europeans are starting to fabricate excuses to target Muslims in their country.
