
Who cheated in the Olympic Games? Did WADA help the Americans to cheat?


The controversy in the Paris Olympic is all about doping to enhance the performance of athletes. Even before the start of the game, the American and western media had been flooding their pages about Chinese swimmers accused of doping. There was also a conspiracy to harass the Chinese swimmers with excessive testings, more than 10 times what they did to the American and western swimmers. The results proved nothing, none of the Chinese swimmers were tested positive. 

The curious thing, why did WADA conducted so many tests on Chinese swimmers and so few on American swimmers when they wore their doping in their faces, purple faces, and still not a single American was tested as positive? Were the drugs they consumed exempted by USADA and this body overruled the criteria of WADA?

After every event, the faces of American swimmers would turn purple, practically everyone of them. Even the Chinese American swimmer's face also turned purple. There is a pattern, not an exception. Compare the faces of Chinese swimmers in the bottom photo. The faces of Chinese swimmers from China remain normal, not purple. Why?

The only logical conclusion is that the American swimmers have purple blood. Or they were aliens, not from this planet.

And WADA could not find anything wrong with the purple faces? Really? The proof of doping is not in black and white, but in PURPLE!
Who were the real cheats, taking performance enhancing drugs and why did WADA not taking them to task? Without these purple blood Aliens, oops, Americans, can the American swimmers win any medals?

The Americans are the biggest cheats but accused others of cheating. Just like they are the biggest terrorists but accusing others of being terrorists. They are the biggest thieves, but calling others as thieves, They are the biggest warmongers, starting wars everywhere, escalating wars but accusing others of wanting to start wars and escalating wars.
WW3 is about to start with their assassination of Hamas leaders, approved and assisted by the Americans and telling the Iranians not to escalate the war but amassing a big naval force to invade Iran!
The Americans are escalating the Ukraine War and forcing the Russians to nuke Kiev!
PS. The final score at the Paris Olympics, China won a total of 44 gold, (40 from China, 2 from Hong Kong, 2 from Taipei).The USA won 40 gold after all the dopings were disclosed by WADA.


  1. USADA was able to cheat because WADA failed to do its job to uphold fairness. WADA just closed one eye to what USADA demands for decades, if I am not wrong.

    That goes to show the extent to which other world bodies like the UN and WHO are being under the control of the USA. It all boils down to money talks and bullshit walks.

  2. Social media is abuzz with claims of cheating by the USADA with WADA complicit in the cheating. But MSM is significantly quiet. Social media must keep on exposing the cheats, just like ensuring the genocides in North America and in Gaza does not die off and gets buried with time. By keeping quiet, the MSM hopes the episode will die off just like the Black Lives Matter.
