
Threat to the world is fake American Democracy aka American Terrorism

 In the past the USA used color revolution against Communism, trying to promote democracy as an excuse. Today, it is not the communist threat per se in their narrative. It has boiled down to protecting democracy and human rights. Against whom? Just like creating imaginary threats to promote fear and coerced countries to allow them to build military bases on their soil on the pretext of protecting them from an imaginary enemy, the modus operandi of the USA does not meander. They will invent the narrative to carry their agenda, with all the support from their MSM and propaganda machine.

What is there to protect in democracy, now that communism is not even a threat or interested in attacking the democratic system that is failing by itself. Moreover, countries around the world no longer believe in the hubris that democracy is a better system to adopt, and communism had been designated as a failed system. China showed the world that this is no longer true.

Imran Khan of Pakistan wanted to adopt the Chinese system and lifting Pakistani people out of poverty. Pakistan succumbed to color revolution with his removal. The reason was obvious. It is bad publicity for communism to upend democracy in a country as big as Pakistan, and a Muslim country at that. What message will that send to all Muslim countries? And it is happening in Bangladesh today. Just wait and see. It is no longer communism at play. It is something else more sinister.



  1. Today it is nothing about protecting democracy or human rights. It is all tailored to protect USA interest and hegemony. Nothing about democracy being threatened. What is there to protect when it is falling apart by itself?

  2. All those calls to doggies to pull together to counter China are nothing more than about USA's interest being threatened by China's advance. The USA is losing its innovative spirit, its competitiveness, its sanctioning regime, its US$ hegemony and is desperate to maintain the status quo. Faking it or kicking the can further down the road, hoping for a miracle, is no solution.

    Taking up the challenge is, but the USA already lost the plot. Just how desperate the USA is can be seen with its running around and forming alliances, asking allies to close ranks to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs, cutting out Chinese competitors, demonizing Chinese manufacturing and over-capacity and all those hogwash accusations which are just unproductive, self-defeating and are not working.

    This is China's century, and the USA has to accept the reality. If the USA still thinks tariffs and sanctions will decimate China, it is barking up the wrong tree. The USA and the West cannot even afford to de-couple from China without crippling themselves. What they did against Russia already shows their shortcomings. Sanctioning China and being retaliated against is going to be the USA and the West's waterloo.

    In spite of all the talk about de-coupling, the USA military itself still relies on Chinese semiconductors for their weapons production, their missiles and drones. The irony is that ordinary companies and manufacturers in the USA are prohibited one way or another from having anything to do with Chinese tech products like 5G, behind their back the USA Government is doing the exact opposite stealthily.

    De-coupling does not work, and they knew it. So, they invented 'de-risking' instead just to cover their arsehole for their disinformation.

  3. Our Kishore had always told the Western Parrots Fake News Reguariting Idiots their always demonsing questions on China's in every sectors of their activities that they are damn stupid thinking that China is going to fail.

    He said during the Pandemic whilst all of you imbeciles pretended to work and work from homes etc getting your gajis buta, China is the only ONE that kept churning out all the goods for you all.

    Their industries kept humming.

    They contributed to the World's Economy if NOT you all be eating swills.

    That's why now many in the damn BS DemoCrazy Economics still yearned to work form homes.

    Wear shorts and pyjamas and laze around gajis buta.
