
USA political system is the most corrupt in the world

 The USA political system can be said to be the most corrupt in the world. The USA is not a functioning democracy. It is a plutocracy, a system of Government where the super-rich rules. It is a system of Government of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%.

And the system works when money buys positions in Congress or the administration through connections to the elites, with promises of returns that are far more if they push through policies to cater to the agenda of those in big corporations, big oil and big Pharma.

That is why I always say, Ukraine is the conduit for money laundering and kickbacks that goes into the pockets of Congressmen and women voting for all the aid to Ukraine. Sam Bankman-Fried (or Fraud) the owner of collapsed FTX, played a big role in such money laundering activities back to Washington. Of course, we will never be able to connect the dots and neither will Sam Bankman admit to such activities. His life hangs in the balance if he does so.

Didn't one Congressman or USA Government leader even gloated that all the aid to Ukraine will go back to the USA? In what way is a vital clue to understand his words.

How corrupt is the USA system is also shown in the Jeffrey Epstein case, where the names of top elites connected with the child sex ring can never be revealed, only speculated on in social media circles. A crime is a crime, but only for those at the bottom of the food chain. Those at the top have immunity because after all it is a government of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%. For them a crime is not a crime. Think about that!



  1. Bribing the congress is called lobbying in the sickest country on earth. Robbery is wealth distribution. Gun deaths is population control. Stealing is inventory shrinkage. Only in US

  2. Having this and that lobby in Congress is already a corrupt Government. And having campaign donations by big oil, big pharma and big wall street conglomerates that gives rise to such lobbies is further proof that corruption is being practiced without restraint. Those that donate lavishly to political campaigns for particular candidates are looking for favors and are the super-rich owners of those entities, a component of the Deep State. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the USA Government is of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%.

    Kamala Harris is talking about bringing back the USA Middle Class. This clearly shows and had been proven that the USA Middle Class had been cannibalized by the super-rich over the decades, leading them to their demise today. What the Middle Class built up over the decades have all been taken over by the top 1%, leaving them as poor as the bottom feeders. As the predators, the top 1%, have exhausted all the spoils of the Middle Class leaving none for them to exploit further, therefore it is time to begin building up the Middle Class to provide food for the top 1% to cannibalize again in decades down the road.

    The top 1% of USA elites have taken more than US$50 trillion from the bottom 90% of USA citizens. The system enables the top feeders to continue to cannibalize the rest of the USA people, which are the Middle Class and bottom feeders.
