
Africa will have a better infrastructure than India, built by China

 Africa is the next big thing. And China and Russia are betting on Africa. Strategically, both China and Russia are betting on the right horse, as Africa has rich resources that China needs for its manufacturing and a big market for Russian agriculture. China is also helping to build up Africa's infrastructures that will see the continent move up the economic ladder and eradicate mass poverty. Africans know that only China is capable of helping them achieve this goal. Apart from giving such help, the long relationship built up between China and some African states dates back several decades when these African states were fighting colonial rule, and this will be further consolidated.

The USA and the West are betting on India. Both Africa and India have the same huge population and equally mired in poverty. The USA and the West are betting that India can generate the consumer market for the USA and the West. But are the USA and the West helping to build the infrastructures for India to compete with the likes of China in cheaper goods? We never know as India may do what the EU is doing to itself, cutting its nose to spite its face. You will be surprised that Indians may choose to cut their noses to please the USA and the West for the sake of countering China. 



  1. Instead of concentrating on development of India to benefit the people, the Modi Government is wasting valuable resources to please the USA by countering China. How naive is Modi during COVID by catering to the USA's dictate of countering China's Vaccine Diplomacy, because China was providing cheaper traditional vaccines to third world countries, thereby competing with the likes of big Pharma from the USA. USA's interest becomes India's duty to protect, and Modi obliged.

    What has India achieved? Hundreds of thousands of Indians died for nothing when India was caught without vaccines by following the USA's orders to counter China's Vaccine Diplomacy. And what did the USA do to help India? The USA practically ignored India's plea for help. Only when other countries started helping India, even China, did the USA change its stance for fear of losing face.

    This is the attitude of the USA towards allies and friendly countries. And help to cater to the USA's interest is taken as of right, and any help needed from the USA is just brushed aside as 'you die your own business'.

  2. Mickey Mouse has a brain the size of a pea, thinking that buying one aircraft, one ship, one tank etc etc would be enough to take on China.

  3. It is so easy to brainwash those with pea brains.


  4. Lowly Peacock exclude Heavenly Phoenix from Summit

    India excludes China and Pakistan from Global South summit as New Delhi hosted the third edition of the virtual event last weekend, when more than 100 nations discussed common concerns .

    New Delhi did not invite its neighbors China and Pakistan to attend the virtual Voice of the Global South summit last Saturday, Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishanakar has told the media. The event serves as a platform for countries in the Global South to discuss their common concerns and find solutions.

    India, where rapes are rampant, has proclaimed itself as the leader of the Global South countries.

    During a briefing with members of the press, Jaishankar confirmed on Sunday that India’s closest neighbors, China and Pakistan, had not been invited to take part in the virtual event despite them being a part of what is called the Global South. New Delhi has tense relations with both countries.

    1. Displaying self-importance is India's pre-occupation. Who cares?

  5. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.

  6. More like the blind leading the blind!
