
USA is a Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?

 The USA is not a functional democracy. In fact, much worse than a plutocracy. Critics call it a 'kakistocracy', a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Same with the EU and NATO countries like Canada. And the Whites have the audacity to laugh at some of the Dictators in other countries that are doing good for their own citizens.

To put it more succinctly, the most corrupt people are running the country in a kakistocracy. This is so true when leaders are running down their own country and causing sufferings for the ordinary citizens, just like within the EU. So long as the super-rich are adding more wealth to their holdings and contributing massively to campaigns, the system just encourage corruption rather than getting away from it. The MSM is shouting about how much campaign donations Kamala Harris is pulling in compared to Donald Trump. Donations? Call that bribes would be more appropriate.

Is the world really short of food production as they made it out to be? It is all a farce to talk of food shortage when massive grain production from Ukraine, a country at war, are being denied entry into the EU countries to compete against domestic farmers. Rather than allowing cheaper agricultural produce to lower the cost of living for EU citizens, their leaders are just erecting barriers to protect their own farmers who are unable to compete with cheaper imports. The same cheaper grains that Russia could provide, but not able to do so due to sanctions.

So, where is the food shortage that the West is provoking fear about? Why is Bill Gates reported to be buying up massive farmland in the USA? When that imaginary fear hyping, repeated often enough, results in panic about food shortage, Bill Gates is going to do the killing and laughing all the way to the bank. What is the use of so much wealth that cannot be taken along when one passes on?

China is even refusing to import USA wheat, having found alternative sources of supply that are cheaper and more secure. Russia is even providing free grains to some African countries. This is causing massive problems for USA farmers, trying to guess what to plant next season. Moreover, countries in BRICS are doing business deals outside the US$ and Swift system that will not allow trade in commodities to be tracked to provide information for farmers to grow for next season. That is now all gone and beyond their guessing.

The West is crying foul about China exporting deflation to the rest of the world. Everything is so cheap in China, and it can export them cheaper than others as well. Why is that even a problem? Is making cost of living cheaper for poor countries a sin committed by China? Why must the rest of the world suffer for the inflation exported by the USA with their unrelentless printing of toilet papers?


The Americans are banning products from Muslim producers in Xinjiang to kill their livelihood on the false pretext of slave labour.

1 comment:

  1. https://youtu.be/sn3rZjQHU1I?si=gOzMAdqbxkzKA5H3

    Richard Wolff "Its getting Worse And Worse"

    Great Recession And Depressions on the way.
