
If China is not fighting back, it will now be a colony of the USA

 If China is not fighting back, it will now be like Germany or Japan, totally a colony of the USA. China is too big to be squeezed into the shoes of Iraq or Libya. The Anglo-Saxon Whites tried that during the last century. They failed to put China down, by ganging up, with gunboats, drugging, breaking up China into concessions and ill-treating the Chinese in their own country. Five thousand years of history and fighting against all odds gave the Chinese the backbone to fight back. And they did with Mao Tse Tung chasing the barbarians out. The rest is history in the making of China's century.

The best that the Anglo-Saxon Whites can do today is decoupling or de-risking, nothing more. Even that is a mountain to climb. The trade war already shows it is not easy to put China down. China's manufacturing capacity cannot be stopped, and China's big market cannot be done away with.

The Chips War is just another failure that the USA and its cronies are finding out. It is just foolhardy to bet against China. It will be easier to flow with the tide, rather than swim against it. 



  1. As I said before, if China did not fight back, Chinese in China today would have been relegated to living in reservations or concentration camps deep inside the Gobi Desert, Tibetan Plateau or Xinjiang Northern Border, just like the Native American Indians.

    China would not be what it is today, with high-speed rails spread across the whole of the Chinese mainland, infrastructures that foreigners are envious of and an economy that is the second biggest in the world today. And of course, we in other parts of the world would not be enjoying all the cheap products made in China - the EVs, drones, smartphones, 5G, fast internet. We would still be struggling with 4.5G and not so 5G after years of lagging behind Huawei's domination.

    Most of our grandparents would probably not be here today in Southeast Asia, and we as a consequence could be living like nomads in isolated regions of China. Think about it!

  2. Indeed China is fighting the Americans and the West in many fronts and winning. The white savages only think of a hot war and some silly countries are willing to die for them.
    No need to raise your hands Pinoys and Ukrainians...and Taiwanese.

  3. There is a limit to testing and pushing the boundary against China.
