
Middle East War - David clobbering a lame Goliath

 The Jewish myth of a boy David's victory over a giant Goliath was an expected fiction for the Jewish pride. Many myths in the Bible were of the same nature, that the Jews were the smartest and cleverest tribe with many great victories against the dull Arabs and Egyptians despite being imprisoned as slaves for centuries and deprived of a state of their own.

This David and Goliath myth is now playing out in modern day Middle East and is very real. The hero and undefeatable superman is none other than the Israelis, and the lame Goliath is the bungling and headless Arab and Muslim states. Israel has only barely 6m people against an Arab and Muslim states of a billion people but is calling the shot in its war against the Arab and Muslim nations. And Israel is having all the initiative, whacking them one by one at Israel's own choosing. And the hapless and helpless Arab and Muslim states are cowering in fear, unable to do anything but waiting to be clobbered at the pleasure of Israel. 

The Israelis can also take out their leaders anywhere, anytime they like, even deep in the heart of Iran. One by one, the Arab and Muslim leaders would be assassinated like a game in a playground. What can the Arab and Muslim states do? Absolutely nothing except crying out loud or complaining in the wilderness, and hiding under the bed hoping they would not be the next one to be killed.

This is the pathetic fate of the Arab and Muslim world. And Israel can decide to escalate the war at its wishes. And all the Arab and Muslim states can only hope that the war would not be escalated. That is the best that Goliath can hope for. 6m Jews carrying big clubs and strutting around whacking the asses of 1 billion Arabs and Muslims with impunity.

Would the rest of the Arab and Muslim states think they would be safe from being attacked by the Israelis by not doing anything, by hiding under the bed? Remember the Jewish and American doctrine that any state that is perceived or declared as a threat to their survival does not have a right to exist. And every Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East, as far as Turkey in the North, Iran in the East, Yemen in the South and Egypt in the West are a threat to Israel's existence. One by one would be erased from the map. It is only a matter of time for the next victim. The immediate neighbours of Israel would be the first to go. Palestine is as good as gone. Lebanon is next. Who would come after Lebanon?

Lame Goliath is still licking his wounds and thinking it is not life threatening. First would be the legs and hands, and then the rest of the body. Goliath did not think it can so the same to Israel, can take the initiative instead of waiting for its turn to be whacked or assassinated. And David can stay comfortably at home, knowing that no one would dare to come to him for revenge. Goliath is too afraid to do anything for his own safety and well being.

Now even a Palestinian leader can be assassinated inside Iran while being a guest of the Iranian govt. This is not only the gravest form of provocation, but a humiliation, as good as telling the Arab and Muslim states that Israel can hit and kill any of their leaders any time, any where, whenever they like, and lame Goliath would just pretend all is fine.

PS. By the way, Turkey said it would join the war if Israel attacks Lebanon. Really? Or just words and hot air?


  1. The whole world is silent on the assassination of Haniyeh. No condemnation, not even condolence. They are afraid that Israel will be angry if they send their condolence.

    Even the UN barely dared to open its mouth.

    As for the rest of the Arab and Muslim countries, well, all vanished from earth, not seen, not heard, lost their voice. Some may quietly visit Israel to say well done?

  2. Turkeys are good for the Christmas dinner table. Alive they just cackle or crookle like Kamala Harris.

    Beware of Turkeys.

  3. Where is the "international rule base order" advocate sinkieland? No sound no shadow Ms Vivian, thought you like to lectures other about rule base order?

  4. When Nethayahoo spoke to the Scoundrels CON- gress BirdMen and Butchwomen, they appalled, oops appalauded like idiots when he went to the Rostrum.

    This Master Yahoo shouted"Stop Applauding and Listen"

    (You parasites corrupted Bastards Bitches)

    All of them quiet as Rats.

    Wow another Gorilla under the thumb and balls of the Hygena.

    So tame and shameful.

    This is what's you behaved when you are on the Take!

    1. Apologies shud read as follows:

      UASSA Donkeys and Elephants under the Balls of the Jackal.

      This is how Corrupted Scoundrels behaved when Paymaster shouted at them.

  5. Note the difference in response to Israel's murder of Haniyeh in Iran:

    Singapore's under the very principled Vivian... Singapore is “deeply concerned” about recent developments in the Middle East, including the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, who was involved in the Gaza ceasefire negotiations, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

    In a statement on Aug 1, MFA said: “This puts at risk efforts to secure a ceasefire agreement that would allow for the release of all hostages and facilitate humanitarian assistance to the civilian population.

    “Singapore calls on all parties to take de-escalatory steps to avoid exacerbating tensions and a wider regional conflagration.”

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo:

    “We condemn the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas. This is a crime that cannot be overlooked and occurred in an area under Iranian sovereignty.”

    1. Sinkeland Singapore wayang only lah!

      This FM same same as that UAssA Blinking Idiot greatest liars.

  6. https://youtu.be/cjEPqmZkC7o?si=5ctnp6U66qiCdHai

    Iran vows to annihilate Israel.

    Good shows akan.datang.


  7. Who is escalating the war in the Middle East?

  8. The assassination of Haniyeh has been planned by the American terrorists and the Israelis to start a war with Iran. The Americans have announced full support of the Israelis attack and aggression against Iran.

    An aircraft carrier and 12 American warships are now in the Persian Gulf threatening to attack Iran. This is a very serious development.

    The American terrorists are telling the Iranians that they would attack Iran if Iran dares to hit back at the Israelis. It would be the Americans, the Israelis and the Europeans attack Iran alone.

    Would Russia and Pakistan step in? Would any Arab and Muslim state step in to defend Iran?

  9. The big sell down in Wall Street is an indication that those in the known have received information of an impending war against Iran.

    Sell, sell, sell is the best warning of what is coming.
