
Empire of Lies is the greatest threat to world peace

 USA tried to paint North Korea as a nuclear threat towards the rest of the world. That label should be applied to the USA when it first became a nuclear nation. It attacked Japan with two nuclear bombs. No one said anything about the USA being a nuclear threat towards the rest of the world.

Since North Korea became a nuclear nation, who or which country had been threatened, except South Korea and Japan. But we must understand that the USA had been conducting provocative military activities around North Korea with their two proxies or should I call them colonies, which antagonized the North Koreans, resulting in their retaliation. Can we blame the North Koreans for such behavior?

This is the same modus operandi being repeated against Iran. All throughout the decades it was all about having to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state, hyping up the threat of Iran towards the rest of the world. Iran has not been threatening any of the other Islamic States, except for the war against Iraq and stand-off against Saudi Arabia over religion. Israel on the other hand had been issuing threats against Iran's civilian nuclear research facilities.

Iran and Saudi Arabia do have a spat over Islamic ideologies but that had now been settled. But the USA is trying to create another potential war front by pitting Israel against Iran. So, Iran is now a serious threat to Israel if it goes nuclear. They will keep on repeating the mantra that a nuclear Iran is dangerous for the Middle East and the rest of the world. This is the way the USA's propaganda machine works. Give a dog a bad name and then skin it. But most of the world are now wiser after being dragged into an illegal and fabricated war against Iraq. They are de-facto war criminals too.

NATO is playing the victim of Russian aggression in the Ukraine War. Israel is playing the victim of Hamas aggression in the Middle East. The Philippine is playing the victim of China's aggression in the South China Sea. Amid all these scenarios, who is behind it all? 



  1. The Anglo-Saxon Whites still believe in their doctrine of 'divide and rule'.

    Nothing is clearer than what they did to China during the last century, trying to break up China among their cronies and hoping to rule China the same way as they did in Africa. It worked very well in Africa for centuries. But it failed in China. And their countering today is to have a second bite of the cherry to put China down for them to control. That is a wet dream, and more a nightmare if they were to try.

    Karma is now working to divide the USA - internally with political infighting and polarization, and externally with its unfriendly and gangster like behavior that puts others off. But before any conclusion, Karma is already dividing the USA from the Global South countries, with the USA losing more friends and making more enemies. Russia was supposed to be isolated. But today, who are Russia's friends? The whole Global South countries are. And how many are there, and is Russia really isolated as claimed?

    The USA is losing influence in ASEAN too, a region it used to be seen favorably when compared to China decades ago. Now ASEAN is more in favor of having China as the power to live with rather than the USA. And why not? China is not playing one ASEAN country against another. China has never dabbled in ASEAN affairs or try to promote communism in Southeast Asia after the fall of South Vietnam and during the era of Deng Xiaoping. It was always a pragmatic co-operation in trade and relations, between China and ASEAN, not instigation for war and sabotage. And today, China does not have to be seen as trying to protect communist ideology against democratic ideals, leaving the verdict to the world at large to judge.

    Internally, the USA is one big mess - debts, homelessness, drug infestation, political polarization and battling de-dollarization. Denial about all these issues is not going to make them go away. Kicking the can further down the road just make the problem more difficult and impossible to be resolved. Will the USA eventually break up like the Soviet Union?

  2. Everything we hear being said by the USA, remember to believe in the opposite.

    How could anyone ever believe in a country that spends hundreds of millions just creating propaganda, knowing that propaganda is basically lies to misinform.

  3. American lies, amassing an armada of warship out side Iran claiming to protect Israel against threats from Iran.

    The truth, preparing to attack Iran together with Israel after the assassination of Haniyeh.
