
The United States is run and controlled by The Deep State. Who & What constitutes 'The Deep State'

The United States is run and controlled by the Deep State. But what is 'The Deep State?' Who controls the Deep State. What are its policies and governance? 

The Deep State is actually the shadow government behind the United States government. It decides the fate and destiny of all US politicians. It is the controlling power behind the two dual dictatorships of The Republicans and The Democrats. All Americans who have the ambition to become politicians must first have the blessings of the Deep State. No politicians can be elected to political positions without the prior approval of the Deep State. From the presidency in the White House in Washington down to membership and positions in the Senate, House of Congress and House of Representatives they must all have clearance from the Deep State. All high and senior governments officials and appointees in important departments like the Defense Ministry, Foreign Affairs, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, High Tech and Cyber must have Deep State approval. 

Now comes the intriguing question, who constitute the Deep State. The people in charge of and running the Deep State are the creme de creme of the one percent Anglo-Saxons American elites and the Jewish Zionist Americans whose organisation ZIONISM has deep roots with Israel. Both the Anglo-Saxon American elites and Zionism are colluding to bring the whole world under One World Government to be jointly controlled and governed by the white people and the Zionist Jews to be based in Washington and Jerusalem. The Anglo-Saxons elites and the Zionists Rothschild Cabal in the Deep State are the top notch American billionaires and millionaires. They are business tycoons controlling all the big and gigantic business and commercial conglomerates like oil, minerals, food pharmaceuticals, banks and finance, real estate, stock exchange, trade and commerce, insurance, high tech and war industries and the Pentagon which owns all the war industries. 

Some of the top war industries in the Pentagon own by these billionaires are 1. Lockheed Martin Corp, 2. Raytheon Technologies Corp, 3. General Dynamics, 4. The Boeing Co. 5. Pfizer Inc. 6. Northrop Grummon Corp, 7. Humana Inc. 8. Hil Corp. 9. L3 Harris Technologies Inc, and 10. BAE System PLC. 11. Monsanto, 12. Del Monte Deep State policies and governance. 

The Deep State internal policies and governance is taking care of the interests of the elites. They are selfish by nature and due to their self-interests and self-aggrandizement they always irresponsibly try to evade paying tax both their personal and their companies tax. Their policies is to reap the highest profits and pay the lowest wages to their employees. 

The Deep State is a strong supporter and follower of Charles Darwin Theory of 'Survival of the fittest. They claim that the government is not responsible for the welfare of the citizens. If the people cannot survive and die it is their own business. And yet they impose high taxes on the working class to run the government and the Pentagon. This is a very lopsided hypocritical policy where the rich pay either little or no tax whereas the working people have to pay their tax dues in full. 

The Deep State has adopted a very aggressive bellicose policy towards other countries. It is still very colonialism and imperialism in outlook in every aspect. It never hesitate to provoke wars to advance its territorial interests. Moreover their policy of creating permanent wars is to see the Pentagon Industrial Complex war industries are churning non-stop all the time so that they can derive tremendous profits by the billions or trillions of dollars. Is it any wonder that the Rothschild Cabal is said to have savings of over five hundred trillion dollars in the banking vaults. Deep State colonialism is extended to include financial colonialism, trade and commerce colonialism, industrial colonialism and political colonialism.


  1. The reality is clear as daylight. Why push out two incompetent dinosaurs to vie for the Presidency. Are there really no younger ones? It is all to give the Deep State easier control of its agenda.

  2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/vice-president-kamala-harris-endorsed-joe-biden-after-he-withdraws-4494891

    Good morning All

    Wow now we had the shrieking Hygena running for President!

    Another half Injun oops Indian in return to rule or destroy the UAssA

    Well keep it up!

    Peace to the World when they are gone for good.

  3. This is a joke, right? The shrieking hyena for President! She'll scare the hell out of those foreign dignitaries talking to her. Both spout nonsense most of the time, and one is too soft to hear, the other is too loud to tolerate! OMG, what is the USA turning into!

    Honestly, this giggler-in-chief as nominee is even worse than dementia Joe. But the Deep State knows how easy it is to manipulate her due to her ignorance of geopolitical matters. Just tell her to say arrrrh and she will go into cackling mode, like a chicken to prevent people from understanding her by dishing out her 'word salah'.

    Honestly, I have never been able to make out head or tail listening to her speeches or giving interviews. Not that I want to hear or watch, but for some entertainment.

    If she is chosen by the Democrats as nominee, and not by Biden even though he supports her, would she be debating Trump? That is going to be interesting. Trump's supporters are already shouting they want Biden as Trump's opponent, not Harris. Probably they fear her cackling and giggling during the debate is going to put Trump in difficulty and out of focus, LOL.

    Enjoy the roller coaster ride!

  4. Hi Anon 9.11

    Think this I just a ploy or wayang kulit or bollywood drama to throw sand off the tracks from that Dotard.

    Speculations that either that Bitch Murderdess Hairy Clinton or that Blackie Osama oops Another Murderer Obama's wife to be the nominee.

    UASSA full of shits and medodrama and circus to entertain the foolish world.

  5. As many have pointed out, the only qualifications needed to become a part of the USA establishment is 'stupidity'. And it has been proven time and again. That is why stupidity never goes out of fashion in the West.

  6. With so so many no brain hillbillies everywhere, touching an American is like touching stupidity.

    Now in this bizarre Trump assassination attempt, the Americans are standing up to expose each others stupidity,... the police, secret services, special forces, swat team, media, everyone stands out as being stupid.

    The smartest one was the 20 year old Crooks.
