
American colonies and cronies in Europe and East Asia falling one by one

 The EU also could not afford an energy war with Russia. It followed the USA, and it got thrown under the bus as well. First time under the bus did not kill the EU. A second time under the bus might just end it all for the EU.

Henry Kissinger was not wrong when he said that being an enemy of the USA is dangerous and being its friend is fatal. The EU position just give an idea how accurate that saying by Kissinger was. In any case, the Whites playing out the whites is just 'good news to hear'.

The countries thrown under the bus by the USA are not only confined to those in Europe. Japan is going under as well. Japan had just been suspected of propping up the Yen, buying the currency and selling US$. Yellen will be furious. To be honest, Japan had no way out.

Japan is not only suffering in its currency crisis. Japan car industry is in tatters with Toyota's bet on hydrogen fuel cell cars experiment totally finished in the USA. Now a class action lawsuit in the USA over disinformation regarding availability of refueling stations to cater to such vehicles is being fought. Toyota's hydrogen cars are totally inoperable in the USA, with claims that only 49 refueling stations are available throughout the USA. That is a sick joke. Coupled with that scarcity, driving long distances and finding frequent breakdowns of those refueling stations are making refueling totally a disastrous affair for such car owners. Putting the cart before the horse can never work, and Toyota should have more refueling stations readily available.

It is reported that Toyota's hydrogen fuel cell cars were originally priced at US$51,000, then discounted to US$25,000 as problems arose and escalated. A further discount saw its price cut to US$10,000. Now it is selling at US$10,000 with no takers. Who wants a car that cannot be driven without refueling stations in support? Toyota lost a fortune on its hydrogen bet.

And the Philippines is also going under with investments fleeing the country. Suffice to say, South Korea will have its come-uppance for selling weapons to Ukraine. Russia is doing the same with North Korea. South Korea has no 'exceptionalism' to protect its destiny, unlike the USA.



  1. South Korea's Yoon Suk Yeol is in trouble over his wife corruption and stock manipulation.

    The whole affair is fraught with changing statements and attempted lying by Yoon over the bag issue. First, he claimed that his wife told aides to return the US$2,200 luxury Dior bag which they forgot to do so. Why can't his wife return the bag herself? Then he later admitted that accepting the bag by his wife, caught on camera, was 'unwise'. That clearly shows he was lying in the first place. In South Korea, those in political power and their family members cannot accept gifts of more than US$750. There is also the stock manipulation issue to be resolved.

    We all know that many South Korean Presidents have been in deep trouble over corruption charges and Yoon is going to find his come-uppance very soon. Moreover, South Korean nationals are not as meek in their demands like the Japanese and some others and are known for their tenacity in pushing charges against politicians accused of corruption. Yoon will unlikely get off unscathed and worse than that, may find himself behind bars like many other former South Korean Presidents.

    Yoon, for his attempt to snuggle closer to the USA is causing economic pain to South Korea and like Japan is facing headwinds going forward. Already, South Korean conglomerates are facing stiff competition from China, and with energy costs much higher than discounted Russia oil for China, the problems of competing against China will only escalate.

    Sorry, but I have to quote Kissinger again that being a friend of the USA is indeed fatal.

  2. Hi Anon 10.09

    So much for the damn Capitalists so called Demo CRAZY where they only knew how to maintain their status quos of their Wealth and lining up their pockets and banks.

    To critise China's brand of Socialism as Evil?

    Same Same every where.

  3. Trump has to be careful and not be too optimistic and make a mistake. Kamala Harris should be easier to beat than Biden, but never underestimate the skullduggery tactics of the Democrat war mongers when they are desperate to win.

    With the likes of Hillary Clinton and Obama calling the shots from behind, anything is possible and can be overturned. Even stealing the election is not a far-fetched event. This is the USA after all, with 'exceptionalism' carried to the extreme.
