
Humanities are for USA students. But the USA is turning out to be less 'humanistic' than China according to Yani Varoufakis

 Humanities are for USA students. But the USA is turning out to be less 'humanistic' than China according to Yani Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, LOL. That is not what China has to say, but from a Greek saying it. I wonder if the pro-USA shrills are going to say that Yanis Varoufakis is being paid by the CCP to say such things to favor China.

But what is wrong with that accusation is that the USA is doing exactly the same thing, paying defecting Chinese to accuse China of doing un-humanistic things. US$300 million a year for funding such propaganda by the USA could be playing an even bigger role for those anti-China campaigners. It has wormed its way into even media outlets in India as well, like Wion and First post. Wonder whether Channel News America is also infected? Just suspecting only!

Why do Chinese students need to go to top USA universities to study Shakespeare or learn cooking and washing clothes? And paying a kings ramson for that. People in China are not interested in Shakespeare. Chinese in China have all the classics to study for, LOL. And Chinese cooking is in no way interior to Western cooking. Just listen to all those Western travelers now going around in China and enjoying the delicious good and cheap food all over China - from Peking ducks to Sichuan dumplings and to Xinjiang's Muslim food, all eliciting excitement, thrill and praise at first bite.

Oh, not to forget that USA elites were said to have visited Fukushima earlier specially to enjoy contaminated seafood, just to savor the special Michelin Japanese culinary delight, LOL. The taste must be electrifying! 


1 comment:

  1. Humanistic people will not push an old feeble man, afflicted with dementia, gingerly in his walk, with Alien-like eyes (I was expecting them to turn green during the debate, LOL), looking like an escapee from a nursing home, as some put it, and still insisting he is suitable for the job of being President of the USA. That is 'elder abuse' loud and clear that Joe Biden is being put through.

    The hubris coming out are just impossible to believe and I think can only happen in the USA. He is claimed to be sharp behind closed doors, contrary to what we saw during the debate, which I do not know what it means? Are the USA voters electing him for his sharpness behind closed doors, or outside the room?

    After the debate, Jill Biden was heaping praise on Joe, treating him like a three-year-old kid needing comfort despite failure. And poor Joe responding with wide opened mouth like a three-year-old kid being praised, really takes the cake.

    What is happening with the USA I wonder? Honestly, talking about Michelle Obama taking Joe's place in November is beyond belief. The USA is not just scraping the bottom of the barrel, it is digging out the wood at the bottom.
