
America wants peace, China wants war? How many stupid people yelping this American lie?

Sandra Oudkirk, outgoing fake American ambassador in AIT, Taiwan, the fake embassy of the American terrorist state, said Americans want peace and China wants war. How ludicrous for this woman to tell a lie with eyes wide open and expecting the world to believe in her? Of course the American colonies like Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and the colonies in Europe, and all the American crony states would have to believe in this lie. They were not coerced by the Americans to believe in this lie. They were volunteered by the American gangsters to believe every lie the Americans want them to believe, even helping the lying Americans to spread the lies in their main media, unashamingly.

Who is sending its warships all over the world stirring up troubles and inciting wars? Who is building several hundred military bases around the world, and building more, to bully and threaten the world? Who started the wars in Ukraine, the Genocide in Gaza, and refuses to end the war in Ukraine, escalating it to a highly dangerous level, risking nuclear war? Who is perpetuating the Gaza Genocide, working hand in hand with the Israelis to slaughter the Palestinians everyday and still doing it, non stop? Who is starting all the trade wars, economic wars, tech wars, propaganda wars?

Asean has been a peaceful region for several decades but now at the verge of another war like in Ukraine? Who is behind this provocation to start a war in the region? Is China involved in any war?

Only the highly reckless terrorists and savages want wars. The Americans has a US$1 trillion budget to manufacture wars. Only the dullest mind would believe that Americans are for peace and China wants war. Imbeciles and daft that still believe in the American lies, no need to stand up, no need to raise your hands, we know who you are.

Who invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya? Without the warmongering Americans, the two Koreans would be talking about reunification. With the Americans inciting the South, the two are at logger head, can go to war anytime. Without the Americans inciting, the silly pro independent Taiwanese would not dare to talk about independence, and Taiwan would have been reunited with China. Without the Americans inciting the Hongkies, there would not have social unrest and stupidly wanting to be a colony of the Brits. Without the Americans inciting, the Pinoys would not dare to behave like Mickey Mouse wanting to go to war with China. Without the Americans inciting and backing, the Israelis would not dare to want to drive the Palestinians out of their land, and even wanting to create a bigger Israel by taking over many parts of Arab lands.

All the wars, tensions, instability, etc etc, the warmongering Americans are behind them.


  1. The USA is known to have been doing the opposite of what they say. This is an open secret that countries have to bear in mind at all times.

    Therefore, what is so surprising when that moron of an ambassador in AIT, Taiwan is accusing China of being war mongers. The exact opposite should be read into that statement and the real meaning of what they are saying is referring to themselves.

    The irony is that no USA leader bothers to look in the mirror before opening their big mouths. And we Chinese call the repercussions following as 'big dick stuffing mouth'.

    What more can we decipher out of the open admission that they lie, cheat and steal. This is an example of their lying.


  2. The non-white countries and people especially the Chinese people should not waste any more time in wasteful talk and verbal exchanges with the psychopath whites especially the neurotic Anglo-Saxons Americans and British. It's time for China to sharpen the knives and turn the tables on the West which is now led by the United States. It is pass the time for idle talk and China should be fully prepared and more then well armed with sincere and full support from friendly countries of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America which had been equally exploited and their people killed and genocided by the moronic West to take the initiative to strike first and final lethal blows to the recalcitrant and unrepentant Anglo-Saxon United States and its equally savage European allies.

    It is very clear now the West led by the Anglo-Saxon United States have no interest to let the world live in peace and harmony. China and the Chinese people have been very patient tolerating their insults and balooneys for a very long time and have frequently request to them to cooperate for the safety and security of all countries assuring them that the world has enough space to accomodate everybody that wants to live in peace and harmony. But the Chinese goodwill in seeking peace and cooperation for the survival of this world seems to be like throwing pearls before swine which will only smell and snort at the pearls and then move away. The United States and its psychopath Western allies have shown that they have every intention to bring the whole world under Western total control and hegemony. Thus China and all countries of the South led by the BRICS must prepare for the final and ultimate show down at any moment of time and be prepared to win at all cost.



  3. Russia and China and perhaps with Iran and DPRK and with close cooperation from Jamaica, Mexico, Venezuela and Bolivia, must now sail their well armed military naval vessels and fly their nuclear armed bombers close to within 12 miles of US and Canada coast lines as well as close to England, France, Spain and Scandinavian countries coast lines. Well, this is a tic for tac reciprocity action. Do the sick and neurotic Anglo-Saxon Americans and their just as evil allies dare to protest. Well, see if they dare to fire the first short and to subsequently face complete annihilation by Russia and China within the first few minutes that they don't even have time to say their first prayer and Amen at all.

    Last advice to satanic Anglo-Saxon Americans and its just as evil allies to behave or face total destruction and annihilation and obliteration from global earth.

    Sartono Rawali : An Indonesian peace loving citizen : Surabaya

    1. Welcome Mr Sartono Rawali on behalf of Mr Redbean.

      Well said!


  4. Russian warships together with a nuclear submarine just left Cuba after a visit. This is rebuilding old ties between Russia and Cuba. Russia can play the same game as the USA in East Asia. Russia is displaying hard power, while China goes for soft power.

    In today's military situation, even without stationing missiles close to USA shores, as was done by Russia in 1962 during the missile crisis, striking the USA today across thousands of miles is still a piece of cake. And nuclear submarines can also get just as close to strike the USA as well, without having missiles in Cuba itself to do it.

    Robot soldiers is now reported to be something real and happening. In time to come, war will take on a different perspective, with aircraft carriers and support warships losing importance. Instead of sending fighter jets on board aircraft carriers and travelling thousands of miles in order to do battle, the risk is that such an arrangement is almost a sitting duck for hypersonic nuclear missile strike from thousands of miles away. Cheaper, better and faster takes on a totally new meaning.

  5. Off topic:

    Now it seems after 23 long years, supposedly new evidence is surfacing or should I say, being invented to target Saudi Arabia as mainly responsible for the 911 attacks.

    Does it surprise anyone that this has anything to do with Mohammad bin Salman's many veiled insults and souring relations with the USA, besides ending the 50-year oil pact with the USA to use US$ for the oil trade? It is too uncannily obvious and perfectly timed to think of dismissing the connection. Giving a dog a bad name and then skinning it seems the objective. MBS is getting ready to be skinned, just like Saddam Hussein. This is intended to turn global opinion against MBS, to make him a real pariah.

    All the years it was Osama bin Laden day in and day out, singled out as the mastermind of the attack. In the light of this, the war on terror in Afghanistan was all a misguided adventure. The country with the best intelligence gathering, with the best investigative resources in the image of the FBI, suddenly found out that they got everything wrong. Why are such 'new evidence' being trotted out just recently when relations with Saudi Arabia are souring by the day?

    With no other avenues to make Saudi Arabia 'suffer the consequences' over the years, this looks like another Iraq War in the making. Using fabricated evidence to take down a country is nothing new for the USA.

  6. Welcome to the blog, Sartono Rawali.

    And thanks, Virgo49.
