
China stops import and export to the USA


 China is complying with the USA and EU demands to cut its overcapacity, which is said to be affecting their industries and putting them out of business. Now, with lesser and lesser Chinese exports being reported to be going to the USA and EU, they cannot now keep blaming China for unfair overcapacity.

USA and EU industries can now move ahead in peace and produce goods for their own people. China is going to leave them alone to prosper and will concentrate on exporting to BRICS countries. If China can produce goods more cheaply, it is up to the USA and EU to uplift their competitiveness, not trying to push China to produce expensive goods for the rest of the world. I think the whole world understands and can agree wholeheartedly.

China is in reality selling more consumer products to BRICS and Global South countries and intent on selling less to the USA and EU. China is taking a leaf from the Russians, selling less energy to the EU and selling more to China and India. It certainly made Russia more prosperous so far.

This pushing out of Chinese products is what the USA and EU wanted all along, so China is helping them by diverting exports to BRICS countries instead. In fact, China is helping them with decoupling, since it has been talked about for years, and now due to tiredness of repeating the word 'decoupling' they have changed the mantra into 'derisking' to sound more deadly to the Chinese.

BRICS countries are enjoying a bountiful harvest of cheap products from China. It is a blessing in disguise for them and they ought to say 'thank you' to the USA and EU. China and India ought also to say 'thank you' to the EU for letting them enjoy cheap Russian energy. More cheap products from China, means more blessings for the BRICS and Global South countries.

What is perhaps less noticeable is that trade with other BRICS countries is going to be conducted outside the US$ with some countries today, but will be expanded in time to come, perhaps in October when BRICS summit is held in Kazan, Russia.

There is a saying though that the USA and EU ought to keep in mind - Be careful of what you wish for!



  1. The Americans have been using chemical and biological weapons against China for a long time. Covid19 was created by the American bioweapon labs and spread all over the world, not just in China. That was the main reason why it spread so far and wide and so fast, to all corners of the earth where the Chinese did not visited.

    For many years, somehow China was struck by bird flu, swine fever, and all kinds of deadly diseases affecting Chinese live stocks and agriculture. Not a coincidence? China for decades have cleaned up their slums, dirty rivers and farming using clean and scientific methodology. There were no reason why China should be hit by so many diseases when so many third world countries were in more dire situation but not hit by the same diseases.

    As they said, what goes round would come around. Spreading bio and chemical diseases in one country would eventually spread all over the world. Now these diseases are returning to their original sources or makers, the USA and Europe. Karma!

  2. Religious attempts, drugging attempts, biological attempts, ganging up attempts to break up China, trade war attempt, technological stifling attempts, sanctions war coming - you name it the Anglo-Saxon clique have tried that on China and failed.

    The Chinese are unlike the Native American Indians, easily broken and overwhelmed to extinction. China can never be broken and will rise and any attempt to stop that is fruitless. Living with the inevitable is the best way for the Anglo-Saxon White clique.
