
Americans massacring Palestinian Muslims but expressing love for Uyghur Muslims by boycotting their products

 Trump claims that India's Muslim problems are its internal problems to solve, and the USA and the West will not interfere.

However, the Uyghur Muslim problems in Xinjiang was spun as not an internal problem for China, though it is part of China, and is a problem for the USA and West to interfere with. Can you believe in their hubris?

Moreover, the USA claims that it loved the Uyghur Muslims so much, but is sanctioning their products like cotton exports, thus causing loss of jobs for Uyghurs and their livelihood. That must be a really strange way of expressing their love of the Uyghur Muslims. It boggles the mind with all the contradictions!

Then, when we look at the situation of the Palestinian Muslims being massacred by the Israelis with the support of the USA and its weapons, we are completely numbed by their double standard expression of their love for Muslims. In other words, in the context of demonizing China, Uyghurs are basically used as cannon fodder for furthering the USA's interest. While in the Middle East, love for Palestinian Muslims no longer matters and they are being used as cannon fodder for the Israeli and USA's interest. Their double standard is being exposed to high heaven.

USA and the West also have no love lost for the Arabs and the only love is for their oil. The good news is that the world is beginning to realize what they have been used for all along. The Africans lost much of their resources - diamonds, gold, copper, lithium, bauxite in the past to the Anglo-Saxon white robbers and have now woken up. The Arabs are beginning to see a clearer picture, while some are still sleeping under a rug. 



  1. Good Afternoon All

    Oh my heart also bleeds for that Hypocrite Moody aka Modi when I read Today's Shits Times that he told Putin that his heart bleeds when Putin bombed Urukiane.

    The Little Children died ah?

    When the UAssA and their Murderous Cronies invaded and killed so many others their hearts don't bleed hoh?

    Hearts of Stones and Evils.

    Why that Modi don't make a hue and cry when the Israelis killed the Palestinian Children ah by the hundreds of thousands ah?

    Why? Because he also killed the Muslims ah!

    So all these Charlatans can killed their chosen sub humans and its ok but hypocritically hearts bled when they chose to up their esteems.

    The Bloody Doggie Handler the UAssA summoned him to see Putin and Bullshits him to stop the War as they wanted to save their damn water faces and also wanted to show the World that India is Great able to propose a Peace Plan overriding China.

    Dream or Nightmare on Modi, Putin shall only have consideration for the Wise Chinese Proposal not Yours as they knew you are worse than a Triple Snake Devil.

  2. Hardly surprising that they want peace now as Ukraine already lost the war. The USA and NATO pulling out now is a huge loss of face. As Trump said, Biden has a big ego and that is going to be deflated if the USA pulls out of helping Ukraine, which means admitting defeat. Now using Orban and Modi to try to broker a peace deal and save some face to give his November attempt something to cling on. I think that is an exercise in futility for the Democrats. The most horrifying nightmare coming is Kamala Harris taking over. The Democrats think she can defeat Trump.

    They will not use China as intermediary as that will be slapping their own faces in shame after what China did with Iran and Saudi Arabia. Moreover, China is refusing to get involve again knowing the USA and the West will sabotage any attempts by China. After all, China and India are benefitting greatly from the war. Why kill the goose laying the golden eggs?
