
White men's freedom means imprisonment for the daft coloured people

Be very careful and be warned when the white men talked about freedom and security. Freedom and security have different definitions to the white men, always interpreted in their favour. The freedom to the white men is your imprisonment. They would want to tie your hands and legs, so that they can all the freedom they want, and little or no freedom to you. A good example is freedom for Israelis and imprisonment for Palestinians.

When the white men talked about security, they mean insecurity for the coloured people. The security of the white men is the insecurity of the Red Indians. And the white men want absolute security, so they terminated the Red Indians. The white men's security in the Middle East is the insecurity of the Arabs and Muslims. For the security of the Jews, the Palestinians must be totally wiped out or chased out to Egypt or other parts of the world.

For the freedom and security of the Europeans, all the former Warsaw Pact countries must be under the control of the Americans and NATO. And Russia must be taken out.

For the freedom and security of the Americans, China must be contained to stay on the Chinese mainland, not allowed to move out into the sea. And this is only being kind. If they have their ways, the Chinese must also be terminated like the Russians and the Red Indians. Only then the Americans would feel free and secured. So, temporarily, the Americans must build military bases all around China, for the freedom and security of the Americans.

And in free trade, it must only favour the Americans, if not, no free trade.

Therefore, for the complete freedom and security of the Americans, the whole world must be controlled and dominated by the American Empire and the white countries.

Coloured people must not be stupid. Every coloured state is on the American menu, how to season, spice up, how to be cooked, medium, rare or well done, and to be consumed by the Americans. This is what the Americans called freedom and security. The Americans must have all the freedom to do what they like, to kill and destroy with impunity, above the law. Only then can the Americans feel secured, safe and free.


  1. Good wars mongerings All,

    To their own Whites with the exception of the Russians, which they considered as sub humans as they are smarter and more hardy then them, their own are their Illusionary Gardens beautiful with flowers.

    For the Coloured Peoples, too bad also together with the Russians which actually they wanted to join them as also Whites wee are classified as Jungles.

    Uncouth and stupid and needed to be tied up and capitalise and screwed.

    Unfortunately many of the Coloured ones just like the Russians wanted to be in the Whites Gardens.

    But they bluff bluff conned them and screwed them hard and discarded into the bins

    Many die hard wanted to be the Ang Mohs Gangs thinking that they are One Up or Atas Sikit.

    Especially the Western Electrocuted WOGs aka Gollywoks to the Whites as Black Faces Dorks.

    Lots in Sinkeland. Mostly the HELLYouYa! Boh Lean Chors Ones

    Also the Pinoys and many others.

    So shall come a time when they found that they are NOT in their Gardens but Hell.

  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cyee61ej8zko

    Posted here seemed to be the most appropriate.

    Here we goes:

    NATO Chief Stolen Bird, oops whose birdie flew away?

    Loudly claimed that China should pay for all of Urukiane's Destructions by siding with Russia.

    Oops, Gangsters Chief not Italian Mafia Chief, aiya all NATO imbeciles are Robbers Chiefs thinking China is a PushOver?

    China send you a Necular Bird Cage Bomb that your stolen birdie in your pants would never ever be back and cannot be use again.

    Whats a joke!

    Hey, all you nincoompoos who supported Urukiane and had their millions dead should be hanged upside down with all your stolen birds and abalone clams firesquads.
