
South China Sea - China's PLA Navy is modern day Ah Q

 I restrained myself for a long time not to say this to China. But since they refused to wake up, to wise up and choose to continue with their Confucianist philosophy of not bullying the weak, not wanting to be seen to kick asses, want to act like gentlemen to scoundrels, I need to wake them up. 

China's problems in the South China Sea, in Diaoyu Island, in the Sino Indian border and with Taiwan, are caused by themselves, self inflicted, and they only have themselves to blame. They have a big stick but afraid to use it, refuse to use it, until all the Mickey Mouse think China is just a lame paper tiger. So everyone of them start to crawl all over China, pulling its whiskers and scratching its face, and what can China do except to keep restraining itself, not even dare to complain, only like Ah Q, talked away the problems superficially with some excuses. Last warning, new laws to arrest trespassers etc etc but lame lame, dare to enforce.

Mickey Mouse only understand when whacked by a big stick. A good example was the 1962 Sino Indian Border War. After hammering the Indians to shit, China had at least 40 years of peace. But now Indian memory is fading and starting to behave arrogantly, like Mickey Mouse again. Also believing in their pretentious military might and with the Americans behind their back, wanting to test another Sino Indian Border War.

The same scenario is repeated in the Diaoyu Island, Taiwan and now, the most ridiculous of all, the really lame and poor third world state called the Philippines. Even the Philippines is looking down on China, believing in the Americans that China is a lame super power, a modern day Ah Q. They can pee on the head of China, spit on the face of China, and can get away with it, because China is lame and would not dare to hit back.

In Taiwan, Lai Ching Te is openly telling the Taiwanese that Taiwan is an independent state. What can lame China do? Nothing. Chinese fisherman got killed, also dare not do anything. What a shame. And the Americans are selling more weapons to Taiwan for the purpose of killing Chinese soldiers....

When China was weak, even Asean states like the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia would dare to arrest Chinese fishing boats, blasted them to pieces or dragged them to their ports and demanded a ransom for their return and the release of the fishermen. But lame China is afraid to do the same. The more afraid China behaves, the more trouble it would invite. No country would respect lame China.

What happens to the saying, 无事不找事,有事不怕事? Now troubles have come right into the room, and still afraid to lift a finger. The Philippines now don't even respect China nor the PLA Navy.

This is the time to take the big stick and just whack. Just do it and talk later. Only then would China be respected as a big power, or at least feared, and trouble would just go away. See who dares to find trouble with Israel, with the Americans or with India? They would just kick asses.

When would China's PLA Navy stop behaving like Ah Q? Would China want to have shit thrown at its face before acting? Or when shit hits China's face, China would simply wipe it off and say never mind, it smells like chocolate?

China must stop being stupid, stop being lame, stop behaving like Ah Q. Lu Xun would be turning in his grave.


  1. Can you believe it, Mickey Mouse Philippines is bullying China, threatening China, provoking China.

    Is this Mickey Mouse taking drugs and confusing reality with hallucination?

  2. The UAss might had warned that short arse Marco Polo Mickey Mouse that they going to confiscate all his Father's loots in their terrritory as they desperatly needed to fill their pockets before November when most if NOT all of them be kicked out of the Senate and Congress.

    Also the Americunts wanted to derail the BRICs agenda of their final screw or nail to the death of their dollar in their upcoming Summit

    Tell that mouse to
    advance and push his provacations more intensisty on China.

    China is now trying to get the BRICs in full swing with many members awaiting to join and also many issues to iron out in the coming summits in Russia.

    This is upmost importance and needed their attention rather than to have a real confrontation with that pest.

    Also, China is trying to show the World that they are NOT an aggresive Empire that slap anyone that is not on terms with them.

    Rather with diagolue than barrel of the guns the usual tactics of the Western Barbarians.

    That's why even Australia may also wanted to be in and had China's visit as a smokescreen that they are been persusded in to save their water faces.

    Now China deployed their smallest Warship alongside their Coastguards Vessels just to deter the pest from further provacations as the UAss needed a slightest excuse to have a major confrontation with China if the mouse were to be slapped with deaths and injuries.

    Their Western cronies and vassals would outcry and made a real hoo ha of it trying to demonise China of their actions

    Wonder Sinkies land would be the first to raise their voice in protest in solidarity with the Asean spirit in supporting the Pinoys and also secretly displayed their disdain for China by our bananas WOGs with Black Faces like Gollywoks.

    China is trying to down this Sick Country by been tolerant as they knew that they be on their knees sooner or later with all their damn problems in their Military policies and economic chaos.

    Russia is now doing the bufferings on their behalf in keeping the UAss busy with their also tit for tat in also their provacations near the UAss.

    So, China's main agenda is to win the War without really fighting in the actual War by their adversaries self destruction.

  3. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3266870/online-rumours-civil-war-philippines-tied-chinas-covert-agenda

    China ate too full nothing to do ah?

    They don't do all these Evil deeds like the Western Barbarians.

  4. I have a different take on why china is not aggressive enough. China still have a lot of internal issue to resolve..mainly well being of it people. Economic/military development is the main priority. Once china is self reliance (in term of food & power need) then we will see a different china attitude toward those looking for trouble.
    As for pinoy Marcos, i don't think he is that stupid. Everyong know his money is stuck in the USasse. So he need some bargaining chip with the americunt. Knowing now is erection year, dementia Joe may not want to got caught into more geopolitical trouble. So he try to cross the red line with china in the scs in order to drag the americunt in.

  5. https://youtu.be/hLyjWyh_pGs?si=BElywVExYn3MDwlX

    Xi better spend his time betterment their country than rather deal with the Pinoys pests
