
What is global norms?


Commentary: Trash balloons another sign of North Korea's refusal to act within global norms

North Korea sending trash-filled balloons to the South reflects its insouciance and recklessness when interacting with the rest of the world, says Robert Kelly of Pusan National University. CNA

Above is a typical western narrative of what is acceptable behaviour to the West that they called global norms, like freedom, democracy, human rights, freedom of navigations, freedom to incite social unrest by terrorist organisations like the CIA, NED, NGOs etc etc.

North Korea is condemned as violating global norms by sending trash filled balloons to the South. But why did the North Koreans did that? What did the South Koreans do before the North Koreans returned them the compliment? This, the western troublemakers and provocateurs would not say. It is like screaming out loud that Russia invaded Ukraine, but not saying what the Ukrainian Nazis did to the Russian speaking Ukrainians ie genocide. It is like saying the Gaza Genocide was started by the Hamas on 7 Oct and ignoring the military occupation of Palestinian land, massacres, genocides of the Palestinians over decades in Palestinian homeland.

Innocent readers that did not know history, did not bother to know the past, would take these biased and skewed narratives as the truth. The North Koreans are violating global norms, misbehaving, while the South Koreans were the nice guys. Who were the gangsters that were conducting repeated war games on the borders of North Korea, threatening to invade North Korea? The angels of God? The provocations and war games are for peace, for freedom, for democracy which the North Koreans did not have?

Innocent readers are warned of the daily publishing of American and western propaganda by a trillion dollar budget to demonise innocent states, to incite wars, to distort the truths, that terrorists are called angels, and innocent parties are called aggressors and terrorists.

Remember, the number one terrorist state in the world is the USA, at wars with every country, fighting wars everywhere, inciting and provoking to start more wars, and the main architect in the genocidal wars in Ukraine and Gaza. These are the global norms, demonise other states, to spread disinformation, to incite wars, provoke wars, fight wars to destabilise the world.


  1. The Ukraine War started well before 2022, but the USA and the West are trying to promote the Ukraine War as a Russian invasion without provocation. The War against Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region started in 2014 or even earlier in 2008. But this part of history is never invoked to give a real picture of the background. Those who took the Western propaganda at face value will condemn the Russians as invaders for no reason. That was supposed to be their 'Principled' stand.

    The Israeli/Hamas war followed the same pattern, just promoting the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, as without provocation. All those years of Israeli forced occupation and seizing of Palestinian lands to build Israeli settlements was never mentioned as the real cause of the Hamas attack. Hamas was just taking up the cudgel on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza, just like the Russians in the Donbass region. Again, those who took the propaganda at face value will condemn the Hamas attack of October 7th on Israel as unprovoked.

    Strangely, unprecedented, overwhelming and overreacting Israeli attack on a smaller state was not considered an 'Unprincipled' invasion. It was genocide on every scale to extinguish the Palestinians for more land to build Israeli settlements. And who was behind the Israeli action? It does not need a three-year-old child to figure that out, LOL.

    In the language of the USA and the West, those opposing them are accused of being terrorist. And the MSM and cronies will repeat the chorus over and over again. The irony is that such propaganda will stick for those not wanting to find out the truth.

  2. What norms are they talking about? More like their vagina mouth talking about 'nonok'. Sorry for being vulgar.
