
Tools of the evil American Empire

 I observe with apprehension the dangerous ways Singapore leaders are acting against the interests of ASEAN countries in issues vis-avis between the warmongering and hegemonic West headed by the evil Anglo-Saxon United States and the rest of the world's global south countries which include Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China and Russia. Singapore has allowed the USA to use its puny territory as a military base without thinking that it will undoubtedly affect the security of ASEAN countries in which Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are its closest neighbours. Don't the imbecile Singapore leaders know that the West headed by the Anglo-Saxon USA and England are incorrigible warmongers which have been attacking and invading other countries non-stop for the last over five hundred years. The West headed by the USA and UK have every intention to bring the whole world under its slavery bond and total hegemonic control.

They are using all kinds of tricks and hybric warfare to bring the global south countries under its domination. It uses divide and rule tactics pitching unsuspecting countries to fight against each other by creating petty territorial disputes or sowing dissension and religious antagonism. Then it will reap rich financial rewards by selling weapons to both warring parties.

One of its most toxic method to bring the global south countries under its control is the use of the patro dollar and the tight illicit control of the World Bank, The IMF and the SWIFT agency. This has resulted in its bringing the whole world under the financial slavery of the Anglo-Saxons.

Besides using the military, the Anglo-Saxons Americans also use trade sanctions, tariffs and blockades to bring others down to heel for their slavish domination and control.

Knowing how wicked and bellicose the Anglo-Saxons are, Singapore political leaders should not have blamed Russia for the Ukraine War and should not have subsequently joined the USA and the West to sanction Russia.

All Singapore's actions and open support for the United States and the West are ultra vires to the interests of ASEAN countries. Now Russia and China have made it clear that among the ASEAN countries only Singapore and the Philippines are not allowed to join the BRICS organisation of the South. Does that show clearly the dismal future of Singapore?

It is of the utmost urgency that Singapore needs to correct its wrong ways and decisions and repent so as to get in line with the interests of the countries of the South. Failing which it will be seen as digging its own graves. Singapore must stop misbehave or else face being booted out of ASEAN too.

Lee Tai Chong.

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