
Washington clowns sabotaging USA for China

 The USA is doing the killing for China. The USA killed industrialization in Europe and China and India are benefitting without lifting a finger. But shhh... don't talk about that. It is hurting the Europeans.

The USA is killing its Domestic, Japanese and South Korean semiconductor manufacturing. They were then so confident of seeing China still so far behind, 5 to 10 years they claimed, and the USA thought creating the Chips Alliance will easily kill off China's ambitions. But the dragon is not that easy to kill and is instead breathing fire.

The USA thought that using NATO will be enough to kill the Russian Bear with sanctions, that will turn the Ruble into rubbles and bring Russia to its knees. Now Russia is doing even better economically than the EU. How they really miscalculated is beyond me, with all the top strategist advising the White House. Someone must be sabotaging the USA. Not China please!

The Czech Republic is talking about sending "up to" 100,000 shells to Ukraine. How long is that 100,000 shells going to last? At its peak Russia was firing 24,000 shells a day and Ukraine around 7,000. That 100,000 shells will probably last 2 weeks. And what are the Ukrainians going to do after that? Twiddle their thumbs and wait? Alright, they can always follow the Russians and use shovels to fight, as they claimed. And read the message by the Czech more closely. The Czechs are saying this is only possible if allies managed to collect the money to fund it. With 32 countries in NATO, they need a begging bowl to go around begging for help. Putin must be sniggering behind his desk.



  1. With the likes of witches like Nikki Haley, Victoria Nuland, Kamala Harris and defunct witches like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi still doing evil, the destruction of the USA is in good hands.

    Were we lucky that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in 2016? Hard to say. And Trump at one stage was hinting about Nikki Haley being his VP hopeful, despite the criticisms that Nikki Haley heaped upon him. Wonder how that narrative is mutating!

    Mike Pence traitorous acts against Trump makes him personal non-grata as far as Trump is concern for choice of VP. Mike Pompeo at one stage was considering himself a possible contender for the Presidency, but all that is over. His admission of 'we lie, we cheat, and we steal' probably does not withstand the scrutiny of the Deep State. It was a clean slap on the face of the USA.

    As for Biden, dropping Kamala Harris as a liability baggage will help him greatly. But where can be find suitable running mates with the bottom of the barrel already being scrapped clean? If the Democrats cannot find a replacement for Dementia Joe himself, what options do they have? Not that his chances are good according to polls.

  2. How long can the EU continue to wallow in its present state of its economy is the question. Human tolerance has it limits, not just in a socialist state, but is equally going to have its level of tolerance in a democratic state.

    And when the shit hits the fan with rising poverty, joblessness and rising crime, chaos will ensue. Let us just wait and see the fun.


  3. The West led by the Anglo-Saxons Americans and British first decided to attack and take down both Russia and China at the same time. Then after much deliberation they think of taking down Russia and China separately. But which one to be taken down first they discussed. Finally they decided on taking down Russia first based on the fact it was so easy to take down USSR in 1989. Then after defeating Russia they think taking down China is no problem. They have never been more wrong in their evil plots and plans. Now they found themselves caught in a quagmire of their own making in Ukraine and waiting for their gradual destruction. However, it never come to their mind that to take on China now is to face their own nemesis and quick utter destruction.

    Well,they have yet to learn that 'man proposes but God disposes.'


  4. It was their own making. The USA pushed Russia towards China and now attacking them individually becomes an opportunity lost. We still do not know how deep is the military alliance that these two countries have forged. Can the USA win a conflict with Russia and China together? Already we have seen how the USA and NATO is doing against Russia alone in Ukraine.

    Not only is this scenario backfiring, but the USA is also pushing Iran towards Russia and China as well. And, of course, also now pushing North Korea militarily towards Russia. North Korean arms for Russia could have been thought impossible for such a poor country like North Korea. But it happened. What else have they been wrong about North Korea?

  5. The Washington clowns only believe they are the ones that can do the scheming and plotting and the rest of the world would stupidly do nothing, waiting to be invaded and destroyed. The clowns think that they are the smartest clowns in the world.

  6. Frankly the dafts of the World still does not learnt their lessons.

    The UASSA scoundrels are cunning beans as Big Bullies and only stand aside that others fought and destroyed themselves and then went in to collect the spoils.

    That's their tricks and plots.

    That's why they can go unscathed and bang you idiots when the you are weak and disorganised.

    Like in WWII and the Urukiane proxy war with Russia.

    They stay at the sidelines and only claimed credits when victory is seen to be won.

    You think the Japs would surrender if they are not bombed by the two bombs?

    Fat hope.

    Even the Russians died and fought the most against the Germans in Europe and the Americunts and the Euro Nuts claimed credits.

    Many ungrateful ones now against Russia for saving their skins.

  7. Man proposes, God disposes!

  8. The USSR contributed most to the defeat of the Germans during WW2. The USA only stood around to wait for the Germans and Russians to destroy each other. When they saw the Germans were retreating, they wanted to reap the benefits by claiming they were the ones that defeated Germany and Nazism. About 26 million Russians died during that war.

    That heroic story about D-day operations, the Normandy landing, the liberation of France and Europe and all that bullshit took away the most important part played by the USSR. And to think that during the remembrance anniversary of that event, the West conveniently eradicated the role played by USSR. History is what they want to claim, what they wrote and what credit they want to take.

    1. Right you are Anon 4.13


  9. Zelensky is firing rockets and missiles using money donated by others. Kim is firing rockets and missiles he made himself. Kim does not have to go around with a begging bowl to ask for help. Who has more pride? Who is doing better?

  10. The American terrorists keep escalating the war in Ukraine. From short range missiles to long range missiles. Short range drones to long range drones. From no tanks to more tanks. Now moving up to include F16s.

    Every time they escalated the war, I quietly say to myself, well done. They would push Putin to a corner and release his nuclear bombs to wipe out the white savages for good.

    The world would be more peaceful without the AngloSaxons and white savages.
