
Cruel behavior of the Anglo-Saxon Whites is not a recent phenomenon

 The cruel behavior of the Anglo-Saxon Whites is not a recent phenomenon. It was a deeply ingrained behavior, centuries in the making, when they were expanding their imperial conquest. The genocides they committed to wrestle control of the lands they covet is an open book. This is genocide happening in Gaza now and the UN is unable to do anything. The UN is controlled by the Anglo-Saxon White clique, so what is said at or by the UN is purely academic, for show only.

The two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not cruel? The killing of innocent women and children who had nothing to do with the war. That two bombs ought to be dropped on the Imperial Palace and the Japanese army headquarters. Why on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? On innocent people that have no say in the war. The USA intention was to kill as many innocent civilians as possible to put pressure on the Japanese Emperor and the military. That is cruelty of the highest order, that only the Anglo-Saxon Whites have the conscience to carry out.

And the most astounding claim by some people in the know, was that the USA was just testing the nuclear bombs on innocent victims to show the world it was ahead of the USSR. The first bomb on Hiroshima, the Little Boy, was already successful and yet they dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki, the Fat Boy. Why? Using innocent victims for testing the two nuclear bombs was a tad too hard to believe. A few hundred thousand lost their lives, with another hundred thousand or more suffering radiation sicknesses years after.



  1. How the Japanese could live with that nuclear horror is beyond belief. Were they harboring any resentments? Not that we can see on the surface, but then, the USA is not discounting that everything will be forgotten as well.

    The Japanese probably realized and relate to how the rest of Asia feels about its atrocities committed during WW2. I believe they are just living with the troubling devil in their inner souls that cannot be exorcised.

    But the poor Japanese are totally strangled at present. Even when trying to stabilize the Yen, they need to seek permission from the USA. And Janet Yellen is warning them not to go overboard. She probably fears the worse if Japan needs to sell off its massive treasury holdings to prop up the Yen, which is bad for the USA. That is how bad a situation the Japanese have dug themselves into today.

    So, the Japanese are in desperate straits and God knows how this will end for Japan going forward. Nothing seems to work. Abenomics and Kishida-nomics failed. They thought that raising interest rates from negative will help, but it backfired badly. Doing what they did during the last two world wars, by attempting to expand its empire, is not going to work either. China, Russia and North Korea are no more weaklings that they encountered during the last two world wars.

  2. You were too kind to think the Japanese are troubled by the devil inside them. The dead Abe did not show a wee bit of remorse on the cruel and inhuman crimes committed by 731. This is the real Japanese, bowing all the time but carrying a samurai sword under the robe.

    The proud Japanese wanted to rule the world. They see themselves as a superior race, more superior than the whites. They will not forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only daft shallow sinkies would forget about their ancestors being massacred and would fall in love with the murderers.

    The day the Americans dozed off, the Japanese would go for the kill for sure. This is why the Americans are not loosening the reins on Japan. Japan would always be a colony of the Americans, pat on the back when useful, but always under a leash for safety.

  3. Japanese can hide their resentments very well. They can bow to you but beware of the samurai going into your bowels when you are not expecting it. They are also the sneakiest humans on planet earth, carrying out sneaky attacks when least expected.

    China must watch the Japanese very closely, not just concentrating on the USA in relation to Taiwan. Japan is today the most dangerous enemy that China must guard against. This is not an illusion. It is a reality.
