
Wang Yi mediated the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran - Not worthy of Nobel Peace Prize?

 Wang Yi should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing about the peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year. That was a game changer in the Middle East, a feat that only Wang Yi can pull off.

But no way. Wang Yi will not qualify, perhaps by inventing the reason that he is a member of the CCP, just like the TikTok issue. The deed does not matter, the race and political association is a more important criterion. To qualify, one must be a dissident of a country that the USA does not like or is against. And that person must be chosen by lackey entities of the USA, approved by them, and submitted to the Nobel Prize Committee.

Just like assessing the happiness ranking of a country, the farce must be there. It must be a European or White ruled country. Socialist countries, like China cannot qualify as the happiest country in the world, even though the metrics tell us so, because it will make democratic countries look shamefully inadequate, even though it is the truth that China should be number 1 on the list.

China cannot be No. 1 in anything. Militarily, economically, innovatively, even happiness wise, and anything under the sun. Chinese must be propagandized as ignorant, poor, living in poverty, suffering under socialism and can at best only be cooks and laundrymen, not even chefs, LOL. Those positions are reserved for the Whites, particularly the USA.

I rest my case.



  1. Let us also not forget that Chinese are not allowed on the International Space Station because they are well, Chinese. Who made that decision to exclude China? The USA of course, the troublemaker anywhere it goes, even in space.

    Now China has its own Tiangong Space Station and China is doing the right thing by denying the USA's application to join others in research on China's space station. China slapped the USA by saying that the USA has nothing positive to contribute. That is quite true, considering the USA is still intent on hanging on to a 26-year-old space junk that is falling apart.

    China must choose carefully who it will allow to set foot on its own Space Station. Whatever complaints that others may make, China must tell them it is for 'National Security' reasons, LOL.

    China is also looking at the possibility of setting up a manned lunar base as soon as this decade. That will put China firmly in a position to dominate space exploration as well.


  2. The Americans accused China of violating international law for not using the international space language ie English, in its Tiangong Space Station. This is American rules based order and the Americans set the rules. China just show its middle finger to the Americans and continues to use Chinese in its space station.

    China must be very careful who it invites to the Tiangong Space Station. Any American lackey or crony state could sabotage China's space station when onboard.

  3. English is the international space language? The Aliens on the moon must have spoken to the USA Astronauts in English, LOL. Oops, Aliens in a Hollywood Studio, that is.

    All countries participating in the Tiangong Space Station projects are learning Chinese. Keep the International Troublemaker and its cronies out. The International Troublemaker may instigate a regime change on the Tiangong Space Station if allowed to set foot on board.

  4. The nobel peace price is a white supremacists political platform. It has awarded the prices to many anti china imbeciles. Even if Wang yi were to be given the award, he should reject it otherwise the supremacists wil claim that china endorse their previous awards.
