
Has India gained anything from confronting China all these years?

India has still to rely on China's supply chains for the raw materials for its manufacturing, be it electronics, pharmaceuticals, smartphones and computers. This makes India impossible to compete with China in finished products, as its costs will be much higher and quality lower.

The Chinese are not foolish. India may try preventing Chinese finished products like computers and smartphones from entering the Indian market, but Chinese supply chains know how to go around the system by marking up the raw material prices supplied to Indian manufacturers. Why is there a need to sell finished products to India when more money can be made in supplying raw materials instead?

Chinese businesses are doing the same in other areas. Where tariffs are erected against Chinese made products by USA, Chinese manufacturers will shift production offshore to escape the tariffs. Joint ventures can be set up in Vietnam or Mexico, using Vietnamese or Mexican manufacturing set ups to manufacture the same Chinese products to enter the USA and EU market to avoid the tariffs.

Even Russian oil is entering the EU, mixed with oil from other sources, though how it is done is beyond us to know the technicalities involved. 


PS. The answer is yes. The Indians mandated compulsory buying of 51% of all Chinese mobile phone manufacturers in India. This shows how stupid the Chinese are. Still want to invest in India? Just make in China and sell across the border. Why the need to throw good money into India to be cheated and robbed? 

After so many bad experiences still refused to learn. Stupidity has no cure.


  1. Why are the Chinese still investing in India when they are obviously not welcomed?

    Direct passenger flights between China and India have been suspended for four years and have not yet been restored.

    As the two most populous countries in the world as well as neighbors, not having direct flights is obviously extremely abnormal. At present, India still imposes strict visa restrictions on Chinese citizens. Chinese people applying for business visas are faced with all kinds of difficulties.

    Most Chinese students admitted to Indian universities fail to obtain Indian visas.

    Chinese journalists in India have also encountered discriminatory treatment such as rejection of visa renewal applications and forced departure within a time limit. There are no permanent journalists between the two countries and media exchanges have been thwarted.

    In addition, since India tightened restrictions on investment from China in 2020, about 200 investment applications from Chinese companies are still waiting for approval by the Indian government.

    Not welcomed, but thick-skinned Chinese still want to go to India and then complain about mistreatment !

  2. What's there to see in India except the Black Hole of Calcutta!

    Can see real close at Delta Romeo aka Desker Road and Petain Road.

    Why PRC students wanted to study in India?

    Just maybe one or a few interperters or translators for the Chinese Ledaers or some businessmen when they wanted to talk to the Indians.

    Or is it the PRC Intelligence Services wanted their own to learn the Indian Language and converse in this language that the Americunts and their cronies would never ever to decipher what's they converse?

    But they can have the Indians to spy and listen to their conversations.

    So what's the purpose?
    Learn how to forge degrees ah?

    Thought China's backyard ones smarter than them.

    Chinese PRCs wanted to visit India and see their sceneries and eat Curries?

    Maybe Sinkies, for many already fall on love with them.

    Some even wore their Nehru National Dress.

    Even their wife's.

    Still don't know that they are the Best World's Gourmets where they shall took over any cooked food and businesses from anyone who cooks them well.

    From there there they shall ate them.

  3. Chinese are investing in India to take advantage of the 'slave wages' just like the West. To some, this is a 'no way'. So be it! We are not the boss. Those bosses must be stupid bosses, unlike us.

  4. You mean like us?

  5. CECA issues

    Allegations have erupted across India over widespread cheating and corruption tainting the results of the country’s fiercely competitive national medical entrance exam.

    Allegations of cheating and test leaks in the most recent National Eligibility Cum Entrance Exam Test – Undergraduate (NEET-UG) surfaced after the exam results, released on June 4, showed an unusually high number of students receiving top marks, affecting the overall benchmark for admission.

    Every year, over 2 million students in India battle it out to get one of just 110,000 available spots to study medicine. Of the total seats available, around 60,000 are in state universities, with the rest in private colleges.

    According to the 2024 India Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation and the Institute of Human Development, the share of educated youth among the unemployed rose from 54.2 per cent in 2000 to 65.7 per cent in 2022.

    Scary indeed !

  6. The Indians think very highly of themselves. What they did best was to con the Americans that they are better than the Americans and steal their jobs as CEOs of American companies. The Indians themselves did not have the ability to build these companies. But they are just good enough to dupe the Americans to hand over their companies to them. And the daft Americans just did that.

    So now they are CEOs of American companies and turning these companies into Indian companies. Only Elon Musk could see what is happening and the first thing he did was to sack all the Indian clans in Twitter.

    The rest of the American companies have now been taken over by the Indians and paying themselves crazy, hiring more and more Indians to control the companies.
