
Ukraine war - Evil American Empire versus BRICS

 When the Ukraine War started, the clowns were claiming that Russia will be isolated and have no friends. Dementia Joe even gloated that the Russian Ruble would turn into rubbles and that Russia will collapse.

It now looks like dementia Joe will collapse even before Russia does. They Democrats are panicking finding it realistically impossible to continue pushing him as a candidate for the Presidency, with everybody watching every misstep that dementia Joe is displaying every day.

On 24th February 2022 the Ukraine War started. On 25th February 2022, the very next day, Imran Khan, the former Pakistani President held a meeting with Putin in Moscow. And from the word go, Russia already had a supporter, who showed the USA and the West he is Russia's friend. And we know why Imran Khan was deposed for not keeping to the Russian isolation mantra and showing the world it was just a blatant pack of lies. Ouch!

More than two years into the war and who are still Russia's friends? China, North Korea, Iran, South Africa, Brazil and even India are still Russia's friends. And not to forget that all those countries joining BRICS are also friends of Russia. Unfriendly countries of Russia will not join BRICS for sure. Their master will forbid them using coercion and threats. And those forbidden to join are basically only the G7 and most other European countries. France's display of interest earlier is only testing the waters and should not be taken as a serious intention. Macron knew France will be rejected.

Many countries are now queuing up to join BRICS and this cannot be stopped. The avalanche has started and is only a question of vetting who is trustworthy to join and who is not. BRICS must exercise caution as some countries harbor ill intent.

The Secretary General of NATO, Jans Stoltenburg, talks a lot but devoid of facts. He is sleeping under a rock. Stoltenburg claims that Russia is depending solely on other Dictators for help in fighting the war in Ukraine. He is referring to China and North Korea. India is also helping Russia by buying oil from Russia and is not a Dictatorship. It has often by touted as the biggest democracy in the world. The EU, all democratic countries, are still discreetly buying Russian oil mixed with other oil. Are they not helping Russia in stealth mode? What say you, Jans?

So, what is wrong with China and North Korea helping Russia when Ukraine is depending on 32 inapt NATO countries to fight the war against Russia and yet not winning. Because the USA and NATO does not allow China and North Korea from helping Russia? Jans Stoltenburg can go back to sleep under his favorite rock.



  1. Stoltenberg is the most obedient yankee lapdog. Even surpasses Macron, born the liar but not as good as the pinoy leader.

  2. Kim Jong Urn rolled out the red carpet to welcome Putin to North Korea, and the USA and the West started to get nervous and jealous. Then they also started to invent negative narratives about what is Beijing thinking regarding Russia's warming relations with North Korea. They were trying to throw spanners into the relationship among the three allies. Not so fast as China and Russia are not that stupid like the EU.

    Why should China find anything negative about Russia's warming relations with North Korea? China has no issue with that. China fought on the side of the North Koreans during the Korean War with huge sacrifices. In fact, it is a clear-cut blessing for China with another common ally closing ranks. This should be more of a problem for the USA, the West, Japan and South Korea. When Putin and Kim later rode in an open-top limousine, the USA was said to be insulted or something to that effect, LOL. Like children expressing jealousy.

    Now, Putin was also given a warm welcome on his arrival in Vietnam. How can the Vietnamese ever forget about the aid that Russia gave them during the war against the USA in South Vietnam. Help should be repaid with gratitude. The Vietnamese understand about Asian values, not barbarian values.

    The USA thinks that the Vietnamese have forgotten the damage that it did to the country during the Vietnam War - the carpet bombing, the biological damage from agent orange and the thousands of children born deformed because of that, the use of napalm bombs that maimed thousands, the millions of land mines that had to be detected and detonated, and of course, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases among the Vietnamese or 'Vietnam Rose'. Those are what the USA did for Vietnam, nothing positive.

    Back to the narrative that Russia has no friends. Are North Korea and Vietnam now not telling the world they are friends of Russia? In fact, Russia has more friends that what the USA and the deluded West are claiming. Russia has friends in Africa, Middle East, South America, Central Asia and within BRICS. It is the USA and G7 that is being isolated slowly and perceptively.

  3. Putin can travel freely in many parts of the world especially in the Global South.

  4. The USA will do what it does best. It will now target Vietnam for sure, erecting trade barriers, pulling out investments by forcing USA companies to decouple from Vietnam as well. China is going to benefit. Just watch.

    In fact, the USA used this same tactic earlier, trying to force Vietnam to move away from China using economic pressure not too long ago. But as China was always ready to move in, the USA had second thoughts and decided to mend ties with Vietnam. The USA thought it had succeeded followed by state visits by its top leaders to Vietnam. The Vietnamese could clearly see the woods from the trees and still opted to stand with China, knowing that it is important for investments, trade and their long-term interest. They knew the USA only has its own interest to cultivate in its relations with Vietnam. And there are strategic resources that the USA had been eyeing - rare earths.

    Remember that we are talking about these countries being socialist states, former bitter enemies of the USA and the West. And they are doing very well economically. Why change the system into one that is now a mess? By the way, have you guys saw the video of the beautiful lighted buildings in Pyongyang when Putin was driving through? I was pleasantly surprised with all the propaganda about a backward country with suffering people.

    Against North Korea, there is nothing the USA can do. It has no holds over North Korea. It failed to convince North Korea to de-nuclearize for it to bully. Even the scoundrel, Trump, with his snake oil salesman mouth, could not do it.
