
Dumb Americans still think they are the Empire ruling the world

 If the Democrats and Republicans are treating the USA voters as fools, the voters are indeed fools kept in the dark, still believing that they are the smartest people on earth.

Sure, the USA and the West have the best universities in the world, but the best education favors mostly foreigners, while the local population are not the brightest. Just look at the people in the scientific world of the USA and they are basically foreigners educated in the USA, choose to remain behind in the USA and contributing to the USA's rise in the past.

That thinking of the White's superiority complex may hold centuries ago, but the dumbing down has succeeded in raising whole new ignorant generations further down the road, brainwashed by continuous lies that worked very well.

If we dug deeper into history important facts surfaced. Up until the early 18th century, China and India were the two biggest economy and the two richest countries in the world. Their decline coincided with the rise of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist Whites. They came, they saw, and they plundered using force and that led to the decline of China and India, to be overtaken by the West. As history tends to show, what goes up must also come down, one way or another.

The Wheel of Fortune is turning and cannot be stopped. China and India will rise yet again. And after them will be Africa. It cannot be stopped.


1 comment:

  1. The USA thinks it is smart to target Chinese scientist, engineers and academics working in the USA, erecting barriers, accusing them of spying and discriminating against them in visa applications. Thousands of Chinese scientist and engineers have been forced to leave the USA for China. What is the effect? It is a strategic loss for the USA and a strategic gain for China.

    China is benefitting from all the top scientists and engineers leaving the USA and being welcomed back, moving into its scientific establishments and contributing to its innovation.

    USA trained Academics are moving into Chinese universities, creating avenues for setting up English based programs for foreign students. That is a godsend, with China building universities like Lego bricks fast and furious. Chinese university standards are also rising and attracting foreign students.

    With quality education and affordability beckoning, besides being welcomed with open arms, foreign students from Africa and Middle East are flocking to China to do their studies. And Chinese students no longer have to pay an arm and a leg to get into top USA universities and getting discriminated against.

    Even top-rated USA universities are now suffering monetary losses with Chinese students avoiding them. Why would Chinese parents risk sending their children to an unsafe environment after paying a king's ransom for a place in a top university in the USA?

    Only the stupid would do that.
