
Ugly US racism in display by the D grader hillbillies in Washington

 Ugly US racism displayed as US Deputy Secretary of State says Chinese should not be allowed to study sciences

Kurt Campbell, the US Deputy Secretary of State claimed on Monday that the US should welcome more students from China, but to study humanities rather than sciences. He said that international students studying sciences can be recruited from India, "an increasingly important US security partner."

In recent months, the US has been harassing Chinese students studying in the US under the pretext of national security, especially those in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields such as artificial intelligence, information science, cybersecurity, electrical and software engineering and electronic information engineering.

Campbell's remarks directly indicate that the US does not welcome Chinese STEM students; if Chinese students come, they can only study humanities.

Why humanities not sciences? It's perhaps because studying humanities may help facilitate Western cultural "penetration" into China.

As early as April 2020, racist anti-Chinese US Senator Tom Cotton stated that Chinese students should not be allowed to study sciences in US colleges and universities and that they should only learn about Shakespeare.

If China is not military strong, the Americans would have de-humanize the Chinese and slaughter the Chinese like the way genocidal Israelis are currently murdering the Palestinians!



  1. “Throughout the entire world, we are no longer respected as a country,” Trump said during the debate hosted by CNN. “They don’t respect our leadership, they don’t respect the United States anymore… We’ve become like a third-world nation.” RT

  2. The USA forgot that 'respect' is earned, not coerce using the barrel of a gun.

    If respect were forced out of the barrel of a gun, China would still have to respect the UK with its gunboat diplomacy during the Opium War. Those were big guns and deserves big respect.

    The Anglo-Saxon Whites live by the gun and die by the gun. That was when the rest of the world were fighting with spears and bows and arrows. Thus, the Whites managed to overwhelm the Chinese still fighting with swords, same as other colored races, to wrestle control of territories.

    Chinese invention of gunpowder in the 9th century provided the West, from the 13th century onwards, with the necessary materials to mass produce guns and bullets that were to be used against the Chinese later on. While the Chinese had been using gunpowder mainly for fireworks for centuries, though China already had guns by the 10th century but were never mass produced, the Anglo-Saxon had other evil ideas and they thought only of using gunpowder to make more lethal weapons for their wars. Such was their war mongering DNA from the very beginning of their existence.
