
1969 Apollo technology more superior to China's 2024 Chang' e technology? - American Exceptionalism at its best

 While the Americans are still engrossed in their wars, fighting wars, starting wars, provoking and inciting more wars, China quietly went to the far side of the moon and returned with 2 kg of moon soil samples for research and to understand the conditions on the moon. And without fail, the Americans resort to demonise the Chinese scientific exploration of the moon and accusing China of wanting to claim all the resources on the moon, to colonise the moon.  What else is new from the warmongering American terrorists? The trouble making Americans have a budget of US$1.5b just to write negative articles and narratives against China.

The Chinese Chang'e 6 mission took a total of 53 days to return to earth with the moon sample. This is a far cry from the 8 days that Apollo mission took to visit the moon, landed on the moon and return to earth. The duration taken by Apollo must be indeed much more advanced and sophisticated than Chang'e 6. This is how superior the American technology was, but not today. Or was it that the moon then was much nearer to earth than the present moon? Since this is not possible, then it must be the more powerful and advanced Apollo rockets that could cut the time travel to less than 7 times the Chang'e 6 took. American 1969 technology was the best, better than what China has today.

America's 1969/70s space technology and computers are definitely more superior even to their latest technology used in the Artemis mission that even failed to land properly on the moon. It must be a case of the American technology getting from world best to ordinary. Instead of getting better and more advanced and more sophisticated, the American technology is falling down into a black hole day by day.

As they said, the truth can be stranger and more fascinating than fiction. Which is the truth and which is fiction?




  1. They admitted that they lie, cheat and steal, right?

    Enough said!

  2. USA had Computers in 1969/70s that were mare advance than today's? Must really be from first world to third. Can blame China or not for stealing their computer technology leaving them far behind today?

    Do not laugh. They will blame China for anything wrong with what they do when the time comes.

  3. Can anyone believe that a 53 day journey to and return from the moon can be short circuited to only 8 days?

    This can only be done in Hollywood.

    Even the best technology today would not be able to reduce it by 10% let alone 7 times or 700%!

    Who are the Americans bluffing?

  4. Elon Musk casts doubt on NASA’s 1969 moon landing

    SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon-landing mission was an “anomalous situation.”

    “The fact that we were able to go to the Moon in '69 was such an anomalous situation, it was like reaching into the future and bringing the technology forward,” said Musk,

  5. Just to add, the Apollo rocket carried 3 astronauts to the moon. The Chinese rocket only carried a small container for the moon sample. And the Apollo completed the two way journey in only 8 days instead of Chang'e's 53 days.

    This is really unbelieveable, fantastic! The is like Superman flying to the moon and back.

    The Americans are really superman with super technology in the 1969/70s. Just believe in the Americans. Trust them! The Americans never lie.
