
To have peace and harmony, the world must first get rid of the root causes of wars and turmoils.

 In order to have peace and harmony the world must first get rid of the evil roots of wars and turmoils. And these evil roots of wars and turmoils are found in all Western capitals mainly in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Rome, Marid, The Hague, Tokyo and Lisbon. The barbaric white men have  DNA of inborn outrageous aggressive and expansionist instinct which with their many evil bellicose political  doctrines  have been the source and cause of all wars and turmoils on earth for the last five hundred over years.

White men especially the Anglo-Saxons claim that they are the chosen race of God, a claim that supplants the Jews original claim. Following  this claim they asserted that accordingly so they are a superior race, superior to all other races on earth. Therefore to consummate this claim they have since time immemorial been very wild and aggressive in starting wars and turmoils to subject all other non-white people to their subordination and control. This is one serious cause of all the worldly wars that bring much suffering, agony and deaths to people and must be expunged from the evil minds of the white people and the Jews and let them realise that their claim is fallacious and does not hold water.

White men always try to justify their savage aggressions and wars to conquer and grab other countries lands and resources base on their many sinister evil doctrines. They have to get rid of all these diabolical doctrines and expunge them from their minds since these doctrines arise from their false claim of being a superior race in which they are not. All people are the same and must treat each other with mutual respect. 

Some of these fake doctrines they have to get rid of are as follows. The Doctrine of Christian Discovery. The Doctrine of white men's manifest destiny. The Wolfowitz Doctrine of white exceptionalism and hegemony. The doctrine that white men are destined by God to rule the world over all other peoples and countries. The insidious Charles Darwin Doctrine of "Law of The Jungle" - The Survival of The Fittest. According to this evil doctrine he said , mankind are biologically not different from animals, so it is alright for a strong country to attack and destroy a weak country before taking over that weak country. No wonder, the evil white countries especially the Anglo-Saxons US and UK and France have been invading and occupying other peoples countries for the last few centuries. And the US is still very aggressive and invasive now.

White men especially the Anglo-Saxons have a savage instinct of aggression and bellicosity. It is in their genes and DNA and they should try to consciously get rid of such beastial instinct so that the world may have peace and harmony.

The West in general and the Anglo-Saxons Americans in particular think they can create permanent wars to generate wealth and income by the billions or trillions at the cost and expense of the sufferings and deaths of other people and countries. They must get rid of this fallacious wicked thought so that the world might have peace and harmony.

White men's motive for world hegemony and their inclination to interfere in other countries internal affairs is a serious cause of wars and turmoils. The Anglo-Saxons US and UK and France like to use their own laws and rules as long arm jurisdiction to invade and control other peoples. This horrific practice of using extra territorial rights must be stopped or else there will be no peace in this world.

The practice of using sanctions, tariffs and trade blockades to destroy other countries must be stopped. Also the use of hybrid warfare via the semiconductors and computer chips as well as high tec, cyber and space technology must be stopped as these will eventually lead to hot war.

The white people in general and the Anglo-Saxons US & UK in particular must stop the demonic practice of creating turmoils, savage demonstrations and riots in other countries to carry out regime change so as to install a pliable self-interest pro-USA puppet dictator. If at all a country needs regime change it is the evil United States itself. The American citizens must realise how evil and wicked their government is and wake up to realise that their country is being controlled and governed by self-interest and self-aggrandized rogues, crooks, scoundrels, hoodlums, gangsters and charlatans who not only bring grievous choas, turmoils, wars and agonizing deaths and suffering worldwide but also cause millions of homelessness and hunger to American citizens. This should not continue to happen. The American citizens must rise up and take back control of the US government.

The evil United States must stop squeezing and strangulate other countries of the South with its diabolical financial colonialism via its control of the World Bank ,IMF, Patro Dollar and SWIFT its pirated arm for international financial transactions. It is of paramount importance for countries of the South led by Russia, China and the BRICs to dismantle the World Bank, IMF, Patro Dollar and Swift in order for the world to have peace and harmony.

It is good that BRICS under the leadership of Russia and China and all countries of the South are now establishing a Multipolar World to replace the diabolical racist Unipolar World led by the deceptive and hegemonic Anglo-Saxons Americans. 


Sunday, 2nd June, 2024


  1. The existence of the Anglo-Saxons race itself is evil and is the main source of all wars and turmoils. This is God's mistake in creation. God must now make amends and smite down the Anglo-Saxons and remove them from global earth forever.

    A geopolitical observer.

  2. The Japanese were so cruel and barbaric. It needs a bigger devil to tame the Japanese. The Anglo Saxons have done a perfect job to keep the Japanese on a tight leash.

  3. Taiwanese trusting the Americans would come to their defence in a war with China is like the daft believers trusting the white men with a bible. When they closed their eyes to pray, they will end up with the bible, the white men with their land, when they opened their eyes again.

    In the case of Taiwan, when the Taiwanese woke up from their folly, Taiwan would be like Ukraine and the Taiwanese would be like Ukrainians. Lai Ching Te would be like Zelensky.

  4. The insane Japanese and the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the British are all of the same evil demonic stock. They want to kill we all Chinese people. Both want to destroy China and the Chinese people for their own irrational reasons. Both are trying to make use of each other to destroy China. But in taking on China now both will definitely meet their nemesis.

    Kang Rih Penz

  5. Luckily now we had Russia, China, the North Koreans and Iran as stumbling blocks and defenders of the small and weak nations against these White Barbarians and the Japs.

    The Koreans of the South are the stupidest to be separated from their kins in the North by trusting and believing in the White Savages that separated them.

    The Japs with their ILL mental state of fears that thr Chinese PRCs would extract revenge had to lean to the Americunts and offered them their arses.

    Thinking that their White Masters would protect them.

    Next we have the stupidest Pinoys whose country been looted and raped by so many White Barbarians and yet today still wanted to be sodomized and raped by them.

    The PRCs are offering them cooperations in building up their country but they still prefered the pricks of the Whites.

    In any big disasters or catastrophes China is just next door to offer their assistance.

    They thought that the Whited would come all the way to help them?

    Really goons and morons.

    Next we have the Convicts Aussies who are in Asia but wanted to be in the Europa and Pacific Zone thinking that they are also Whites and needed their Gangs for safety.

    These Japs and the White Savages because of their past genocide and crimes against the Asians of South East Asia and Northern Asia of China and the Koreans had mental fears that when the Asians are strong, they would take their revenge on them.

    Evil minds with evil thoughts that they must contain and suppressed China as she is the now the Strongest amongst all the Asian Countries.

    They rules and divide and instigated so that they be still as parasites to enjoy their decandance luxurious lifes of exploiting the coloured peoples of their resources and wealth.

    Next we have the bananas Chinese disporara who are so been brainwashed by the Whites that they scorned their own thinking that they are also Whites which to them is a Superior Race.

    Bloody disgrace to their own and preferred the Whites as their kins and Masters

    Pui! Sia suay morons.

    Those especially under the Brits as what's nonsense Commonwealth whose common wealth as been siponed to their White Masters and bending down for them to sodomised and raped.

    When the times comes to join their Papuer white Masters with begging bowls then the True Blue Chinese and the PRCs shall spit at them.

    Pui again!

  6. The coming together of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea is a Godsend, a miracle. The coming together of the Global South and the growth of BRICS is an even greater gift from God.

    This was thought impossible with China and Russia at one time having differing mindsets but is now as close as ever. Maybe God is answering the calls of the rest of the world that evil must be destroyed, no matter how grand their plan was hatched and set up to dominate the world with their tyrannical agenda.
