
Taiwanese likely response when China decides on force reunification

 After the disastrous and traitorous speech by Lai Ching Te, the position of Beijing is likely to have hardened. Pressure on Taiwan would increase everyday from henceforth. No time to waste, no point talking or being nice to traitors. Breaking Taiwan from the Motherland is a very serious act of treason. 

How then would the Taiwanese respond when China decides to reunite Taiwan by force? Below are some assumptions that would determine the eventual outcomes when the chips are down, when things become real and not childish wishes for fooling around. Blood must shed, life must perished.

1. It is reunification with the Motherland, not an invasion by a foreign force.

2. Taiwanese are also Chinese, with deep rooted people and business relationship.

3. The out of proportion military superiority of PLA over Taiwanese armed forces, is a mismatch.

4. New missile warfare that could flatten Taiwan and take out all military bases, airfields and naval facilities without sending a single PLA soldier into Taiwan in the first phase of takeover can be very deadly and destructive.

5.Taiwanese military officers know that fighting against the PLA is a delusion, a senseless war they cannot win. China already won without a need to fight.

6. Taiwanese can continue with life as normal, no need to die, no tragedies.

7. Taiwanese would not want to die in a war they cannot win, no chance of winning.

8. Americans or Japanese would stay out of the war when China is in full control of the air and sea around Taiwan.

9. Less than 30% of Taiwanese voted for Lai, and even less would want to fight for Lai and independence when the chips are down. A dream is a dream. Time to face reality. This is like when Margaret Thatcher threatening to keep Hong Kong and Deng said China would take Hong Kong by force.

10. Life can be better with unification, not a life or death choice.

Given the above assumptions and realities, the Taiwanese are pragmatic people, not blind believers of a cult. Many Taiwanese would simply welcome the PLA into Taiwan. Many would protest against the DPP and Lai in the streets. The military and police officers would not fight, meaningless to fight. They would raise the PRC flags in their units.

The DPP leaders would flee when the whistle is blown. No DPP leaders of any standing would stay behind to fight. Anyone thinks pro independent DPP supporters would fight and die for Taiwan? They would act like the silly Hong Kong pro independent boys and girls, run to UK to be paupers, homeless, jobless.  It is likely that there will be no alarm, and the PLA will secure all the positions in Taiwan without firing a bullet, and everything would be over in less than a day. Remember, the pro unification Taiwanese is a silent majority.

After a short adjustment and meetings with Taiwanese leaders, life will be normal as if nothing had happened. The PRC flags would be all over Taiwan and a new administration headed by Taiwanese leaders would continue to administer Taiwan as a province of China. All the Americans would be rounded up and send on the first flight out of Taiwan and never to return.

Any die hard DPP or pro independent followers think this is unlikely and the Taiwanese would put up a fight, a full blown war leading to total destruction of Taiwan and death of hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese, like Ukraine?

Who would want to fight the PLA and to die for an independence Taiwan that at best would be stillborn, a wet dream? The big question in the minds of all Taiwanese, are they willing to die? Is it worth dying? The young men would be asking themselves, to die or not to die. The fathers and mothers would be asking if they would want their sons to die when there is no need to die.


  1. Good afternoon All

    Chinese peoples when they compete to win, they wanted to win if possible as honest beans in a fair and square contest.

    Also when they wanted to rule any state or peoples they also wanted to rule them that these peoples are themselves willing and satisfied that they be their subjects.

    If you were to force any state or peoples by force, it could be done but you shall also have perpetual headaches as these peoples were be not happy and planning all sorts of rebellions and never-ending disturbances. .

    Some more Taiwan and China are from the same stock of peoples and its be hearts breaking and wrenching that they would be killing one another.

    China would not if possible took back Taiwan by Force as what's as the above said.

    But would do so if they have no choice when there's no other way.

    Namely that Foreign Forces are been despatched the island and the Separatists proclaimed Independence with the planning of outside forces to be send in to China's Security.

    One Taiwanese analyst had said if China really wanted to take over our island, they just needed to send in their troops in the morning and by afternoon we be lining up to change our status and identifications.

    China as Lixin once said would not be like Russia to have whats a special Miltary operation that's last now to two to three years.

    She said according to what's she knows the Americunts told Taiwan to hold their fort for 90 hours and they be here to help them.

    She said that once China really wants to invade Taiwan they would once at one go all out with all their Military Might and ended them within the wink of any eye.

    You think they will allow these morons time to join in the fights?

    The full Military Might of China's combined Miltary operation of even just the Southern Theater would be good enough yo gave Taiwan in their pockets within two to three hours and by the time the Americunts would just warmed up their engines by manually turning on their machines the PRCs Flags would fly all over the Island of Taiwan.

    The UAssA would not come as they are just wayang and hot air.

    See their flip flop BS promises that are never materialise.

    So this shall be the scenario if China really wants to invade Taiwan.

    The PRCs with their moral and determination to fight for the Motherland is invincible.

    They knew that if Taiwan were to fall into the hands of the damn White Barabians of the UAssA and their cronies and the Japs they would be living in HELL.

    Their Security would no longer be secure and also they would not wanted to be Occupied Peoples again.

    They knew the horrors of been occupied and bullied.

    They would fight to the last child if needed to.

    But it wouldn't be necessary.


  2. The Rest of their Military Theatres shall be on alert and standby to deter the Japs and Pinoys.

    Don't think the South Koreans would be stupid enough to be involved.

    If the Pinoys and the Japs were to activate their Military wares then China would make sure that they are obliterated instantly with no warnings.

    Russia would at the same time moved in to distract the Japs where they had disputes with them the Kureill islands that are Russians.

    They be shaking in their pants.

    You think the Japs dared to fight?

    North Korea Kim would also distract the South by their Military manoeuvres and the South would be concentrated to be on their side in disarray.

    Also, the Taiwanese pro Broking masses would start an uproar and disturbance and their own Military would be in sixes and sevens.

    Also many may follow Ibrahim Tgore of Bukina Fasco.

    Coups de tat


  3. Pro Bejing lah.

    Whats Pro Broking?


  4. The reunification of Taiwan with Motherland China is the responsibility of every Chinese. Every Chinese must denounce the Taiwanese Chinese traitors in no uncertain terms. The moment China decides to take action to bring back Taiwan to the Motherland every proud Taiwanese Chinese compatriots must seize the moment and look out for all traitors in Taiwan and shoot them on sight. It is especially important that not a single DPP traitor would be allowed to escape the dragnet. The DPP traitors are actually descendants of Japanese soldiers and army officers who refused to be repatriated to Japan after the Second World War in 1945. They stayed back in Taiwan with camouflaged Chinese names and fakely assume Chinese identity to obtain Chinese citizenship. They have now clearly shown they are the Japanese planted Trojan horse waiting for the right moment to treacherously hand over Taiwan to Japan should they dare to declare independence with Anglo-Saxons American and Japanese support. They are indulging too much with their wet dreams for the proud and powerful Chinese would never allow that to happen. All potential American and Japanese interference will be thwarted and destroyed by the all powerful and mighty Chinese Peoples Liberation Army. Should they stubbornly insist on interfering in Chinese internal affairs such as in this fight for liberation of Taiwan then China would have to extend the war to mainland America and Japan and obliterate them from the earth with fierce hypersonic missiles, rockets and unmanned supersonic bombers. They must know in this war China will not be fighting alone. Russia, Iran, North Korea, some Arab countries, Serbia, Cuba, Venezuella, Columbia and Guatemala and even many African and Asian countries will fight along with the Chinese to destroy the God forsaken Anglo-Saxons Americans and the Japanese and obliterate them for good from the surface of global earth.


  5. The Americans are getting desperate and dangerous because they see the days when they can freely print money to buy the world's goods are numbered as de-dollarization prevails.

  6. Today's ST had front page China's Admiral's Dong Jun's speech on print. Seldom let they put front page!

    Wow, sales must be very bad in circulation. Scared now to put false numbers for adtvg rates.

    Also why no report of Hen's saying that no need third party in the UAss and China's disputes.

    Know why now kept mouth shut?

    Because one time LKY was told off by Deng when he suggested that Singapore could be the Mediator in trying to settle their differences.

    Was told off who are you? something to that effect. So now better kept mum.

    Kim should have also say the same when suggested the wasted facade Summit with that Dotard Trump.

    Too bad never learn from Deng.

    So now better don't try to be kay kiang.

    Deng maybe also know ahem ahem that WOGs are pro UAssA and don't want to waste time.

    Also you little fly red dot, one swat you are dead.

    Or catching a tortoise in a jar.

    Wow tortoise not turtle real insults.

    1. Also SinkiesLAND signed air travels pact with Urukiane.

      With Urukiane?

      To a place where now barren and who wants to go there?

      After kena Russians missiles then you know.

      Real Entrepreneurs, Son of Gan.

  7. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/us-china-dont-need-third-party-shangri-la-dialogue-ng-eng-hen-4380796

  8. When there is nothing worthy to sign, still must pretend to sign something that would not happen.
    A better idea, sell tickets for the world's number one comedian show in the National Stadium, starring Zelensky. Can throw in a few Mickey Mouse as supporting cast to please the Americans.

  9. Remember Zelenskky is an ex-comedian and took the situation in Urukiane as a Comedy.

    Can arranged for his stand alone talk show.

    Now really stand alone.

    He now blamed China for not going foe the Peace Summit in Swiss and also instigating others not to go.

    But he begged China and other Asian States to help him to tell Putin to stop the War.

    What's man! Your White Paymasters after losing their bet on me wanted to save their water faces urging others to make a move for peace.

    Then later will said we do not ask and condone this

