
Saudi Arabia not to renew the 50-year pact to sell oil only in US$. MBS in grave danger. American terrorists will be going for his blood.

 Saudi Arabia's expected decision not to renew the 50-year pact to sell oil only in US$ is indeed a very significant move that will hasten the last nail in the coffin of the US$ hegemony.

It all started from June 6th, 1974, under a pact where oil had been traded only in US$, benefiting the USA with all countries having to acquire US$ reserves to buy oil. The pact is expected to end on June 9th, 2024. The USA had been very merciless in dealing with leaders of countries trying to trade oil other than in US$. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi tried to sell oil in Euros and were exterminated and the countries destroyed as an example to others.

Saudi Arabia knew the consequences and joined BRICS first before taking this step of ending the 50-year pact. How the USA is going to deal with him is surely going to be extremely harsh. Mohammed bin Salman has to be extremely aware and very careful that an assassination attempt on his life is not to be taken lightly.

The danger to MBS is made more significant with many other Saudi Royals eyeing the throne, and the USA will take advantage of that to ferment a regime change or an assassination attempt. Saudi Royals has huge investments in USA assets and will not be keeping silent amidst the de-dollarization momentum gathering steam with this move by MBS.



  1. Good morning All,

    Just imagine any transactions in US$ and Swift bankings, the Americunts extorted 3% on all.

    Billions of UAss$$

    No wonder most like Water Buffalos and Gorilas.

    No need work so hard! Pinoys favourite phase.

    Wagner batalion and Puitin and Xi's Commandos at the Saudi Palace.

    First thing first follow the Yellow Chinese Emperor all must potong aka cut little bros.

    Safe for harlem.


  2. If I am not mistaken, people who used Mastercard payment overseas have to have their spending converted first to US$ then charged from the converted USS again to local currency and billed in local currency. The loss in the spread in conversion both ways is quite a lot. Is this true?

  3. Hi Anon 11.13

    Buying merchandise from the Western countries have to pay UAss$$$ on credit or debit cards and if bank transfers have to pay by Taylor Swift altering tailor banks input damn many details info and what's you paid on the goods that you ordered nit the same amount you are paying.

    More the banks extortion commissions and others etc.

    So for example paying at original price at US$$100.00 be about US$$110.00 or more

    Also at Spore side, the Courier or if consigned to SingPost will call you and said please prepare to pay GST charges of high value items before that release or send to you.

    All the goons in the West and the Japs usually don't under declared their value.

    Think they are very honest beans.

    Also certain countries have their export taxes or VAT aka value added tax and the sellers charged to you.

    They themselves maybe also have to pay their own Mafia extortnists like SinkiesLAND submitting the collection of the GST to IRAS.

    So be aware of online stuff that you may want to purchase from the Western Counties and the Japs.

    China ok, now GST added in to the items on their price lists by our local Lazada or Q10.

    So if want some Rolex watches from the Swiss, pls contact Sim Ann and get her to buy on behalf with no shipping costs on diplomatic baggage or hand carried with no SinkiesLAND GST and also maybe claimed back VAT charges when departure.

    Once have one second hand cheap cheep Rolex watch as from Japan.

    Pay GST nearly two hundred plus before release.

    Paid thru those International Online Company and maybe they already factored in all these miscellaneous charges to the selling price.

    So no such hassle as banks transfers to Taylor Swift.

    The Americunts extortnists.


  4. I still cannot understand Messy Hair's logic claiming that GST is to help the poor.

    1. Hi Anon 2.47

      All these Dotard and Bidamn never study the Customs Tariffs and Customs And Excise Duties.

      They thought that by banking on the Tariffics on the goods that they imported in from China or elsewhere they gonna hurt the sellers.

      The sellers and supliers simply sell on their price and your tariffs of how many percent your own consumers are going to pay.

      The only idea is just to make the goods more expensive than your own products so that the consumers or buyers may buy local.

      This to hurt the sellers.

      But what's the Hell unless you are also producing the same type of goods to compete with the imports.

      If you are protecting your local industries then you applied Excise Duty so that the imported goods are more expensive than their own and then maybe an advanctage that your own may buy local.

      Your damn Americunts are going to pay the extra more to the government and the sellers no really care.

      China could sell theirs to other countries in demand.

      As for GST it is different. The locals and the foreigners and tourists also pay the same.

      So the collection could be immense.

      Then they give some reliefs to the locals but taxed the foreigners and tourists monies for the Treasury immense amounts.

