
Arab countries bad experience with buying American weapons


15 minute clip exposing how Arab countries were cheated, duped and betrayed by the Americans when they bought or wanting to buy American weapons. The Americans treated them with disdain, selling them compromised weapons, did not teach them how to maintain the equipment, held back on selling them the weapons and spare parts needed.

There are still Arab and Muslim states stupidly wanting to buy weapons from the Americans. Are these leaders that stupid to think they will get a decent deal from the Americans? And to think that the Indonesians are also on the waiting list to buy American weapons given the bad experience of Arab and Muslim countries. 

Even Taiwan would not get the weapons they wanted. The Americans would not trust the Taiwanese and would only sell them downgraded weapons or weapons due for scraps. No F35 for Taiwan even if it is a dud. The dud aircraft is an American secret not to be exposed.

Pakistan was also duped by the Americans but realised their stupidity in time to go back to China to built the joint fighter aircraft JF17 Thunder. When the deal was first mooted, the Americans rushed in to counter offer the F16 to Pakistan. As usual, like many Arab and Muslim states, whatever offered by the Americans must be the best, a good deal. Pakistan bought some F16s only to find out that the Americans controlled everything and would give them only what the Americans deemed fit. The Americans could kill the whole fleet of F16s by stopping supplies of parts and weapons.

Pakistan then went back to China and resumed the joint project and now producing the JF17, fully in control of the production process and all the parts and weapons. Pakistan can even sell the JF17 to any country that wants to buy them, making decisions in the interests of  Pakistan, not in the interests of the Americans, not controlled or dictated by the Americans.

Indonesia will suffer the same fate if it goes ahead with buying American aircraft and weapons. Indonesia still thinks the Americans love them, despite it being the biggest Muslim state when America's number one enemy is Islam, killing Muslims all over the world by calling them terrorists.

Pakistan is the only Arab Muslim country that is manufacturing its own fighter aircraft and selling it to the world. If they were with the Americans, they can never dream of it.


  1. You forgot to mention sinkieland, which also bought expensive toys from americunt. The toys had to be parked in americunt/french/oz to pay expensive rent annually. Today warfare no longer rely on this outdated toys.. now is more about remote control drone/ship/robot dog & covid 19. The amount of money that we spend annually on our military could had been better spend to take care of sillyporean medical need.

  2. Most of those countries wanting to buy top-end USA weapons were denied. Perhaps the USA was afraid of letting the cat out of the bag over their overpriced dud weapons that may even fail to work in too many instances. This will expose the secret that their weapons are basically junk, which they had been trying to keep from being exposed. If more countries used those weapons, the more likely will they expose their shortcomings.

    Remember the Saudi experience with Patriot Missiles protecting their oil installations? They failed to work even against crude Houthi rockets and the Saudis were pissed. That was why the Saudis turned to Russia for S300 instead. And what about the highly touted 'Iron Dome' protection cover with rockets provided by the USA. Tt also failed to protect the two airports that were hit by Iranian missiles.

    In return for the Saudis continuing to price oil in Petrodollars, the USA was to give protection to the Saudis against any threat, true or imaginary. Iran was not on good terms with the Saudis then, which is true. Now with the peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia successfully brokered by China, the problem of threat has been solved for MBS and USA protection is not even needed.

    But we all know that things really started not working out between USA and Saudi Arabia with Mohammed bin Salman taking over from his father. That was when relations started souring and MBS even snubbing Biden and all other Western leaders that visited the Kingdom, begging for more oil extraction.

    The real slap on Biden's face was the reception that Saudi Arabia gave Xi Jinping during his visit to the Kingdom in December 2022. It was a grand welcome, with jet fly-past as well. It was an indication of how much MBS valued relations with China.
