
Malacca Strait would not be a choke point if neighbouring states did not allow America to operate a military base to threaten China

 Red Dot can sashay another few years and will be like the Brits, Japs and USA, stagnant in GDP growth and just straggling along. Red Dot is now facing a peer competitor in China, just like what the USA and the EU is facing. China is going to eat Red Dot's lunch. That is why fear mongering by the USA's anti-China mantra is working so well against Japan, South Korea, EU and Red Dot that they have to snuggle close together to contain China.

Malaysia is joining BRICS for a bigger Global South market. Malaysia is also expanding its Ports for a bigger bite of trade using the BRI. Thailand is still undecided about the Isthmus of Kra project, which if China gets involved, is going to be green lights ahead. Thailand will benefit just like the Panama Canal benefitted the Panama Government's coffers. And that puts into question the validity of the Straits of Malacca's choke point which is instrumental in the event of hostilities between the USA and China. Red Dot depends on its strategic position and had been able to benefit from it for centuries. What if all this is just depleted even without being taken away?

Right now, the intention of the Nicaraguan Government and Chinese Government's joint interest to open up another channel to rival the dying Panama Canal due to climate change, is already causing concern for the USA's ability to have its military transit between the Pacific and Atlantic with ease and in a timely manner. There is now a long queue of ships waiting to cross the Panama Canal due to cutbacks and shipowners are crying over loss of revenue and heightened costs from such delays.

This Nicaraguan Canal will be totally beyond the control of the USA. And like the benefit to Thailand with the Isthmus of Kra project, the Nicaraguan Government will benefit if they open up an alternative channel to enable ships to cross the Atlantic into the Pacific with ease and vice versa. 


PS. China's fear of being choked by the Malacca Strait turns into Malaysia's advantage over Singapore. Malaysia could further leverage on this by keeping Singapore out of the Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and China high speed rail network.


  1. The irony is that when Malaysia gets a good leader, Singapore will bear the consequences. All the years of the Mahathir Government principally provided Singapore with all the advantages to grow and prosper at Malaysia's expense. Mahathir was not leading the country forward but nitpicking on issues and feathering his and his children's pockets, creating racial disharmony to remain in power and harming the country. While Anwar Ibrahim was more forward thinking as his deputy, that did not end up well for him in the eyes of Mahathir. He was punished with trumped up charges.

    Anwar Ibrahim sounds like a good leader now leading the country forward. But the problem is that he has not yet garnered the full support in Government and has to rely on the tainted UNMO to form a coalition. This is preventing him from exercising his leadership role without hindrance. And the opposition, PAS in particular, and Mahathir are dead set against him. An IS plot against the Malaysian King and Anwar has just been uncovered and arrest made. Who is behind it is going to be interesting. Mahathir had earlier been associated with another plot dubbed 'The Dubai Move' to remove Anwar. Of course, Mahathir denied all links to that attempt.

    Talents from Malaysia who came to study in Singapore refused to return to serve the Malaysian side. Most stayed behind, became citizens and contributed to Singapore's growth instead. With incentives like jobs paying multiple times what they can get in Malaysia, who does not want that.

    Past leaders like Goh Keng Swee (born in Malacca), Hon Sui Sen (born in Penang) and Howe Yoon Chong (born in China but migrated to Malacca) were also Malaysians who remained behind after separation, providing Singapore with the talents and insights in Government. But of course, they would never be given the opportunity to contribute their talents under the racially biased UMNO Government ruling Malaysia.

  2. As I said Anwar now should table a Bill that whoever has the Majorty of Seats no need minimum number to form the Government and then could like China worked miracles in their onforward resurgence of their economy.

    No need whats coalition with the other parties that are bound to throw spanners in the works just for their self interests of enriching themselves.

    Their party now multi racial and been the acceptance of all the races even their own Malay Race as they felt that their so called sworn bros and same religion does not kept their promises to uplift them and only lined up their pockets and banks.

    One Majorty Party rule can move the Econmy at high speed.

    Now with their China's cooperations shared infrastructures of industries and ports and logistics, in no time RM1 to Sin3.6

    Sinkies had to cross the 3 hour queue causeway jams to work there.

    That's be karmas in reverse.

    1. One majority party rule means plundering without control. Now it's the Malays fighting among themselves for the pie and other races are just the bogeymen.

  3. Two party taking turns to rule like the USA is also as good as a dictatorship. If both parties are just the right and left hand of the Deep State, what difference does it make to the voters? The right to vote is a waste of time. The policies domestic and foreign are just eyewash and can never change. Everything is done according to a common playbook. They even sing from the same songbook in Congress.
