
America throwing Japan, Germany and other European states under the bus

 Why blame Russia or Iran for the missiles fired by the Houthis? What about the USA missiles fired by Ukraine and Israel? Must blame the USA also, right?

What if the Russians shot down and found parts of drones made by DJI, bought by Ukraine from Walmart, launched by Ukraine and hitting Russian troops? Must Russia blame China too or blame Ukraine?

The twisted thinking of the West is so warped, that it is unbelievable. Now Japan is trying to sanction Chinese firms doing business with Russia and China is retaliating. China is Japan's largest trading partner and Japan is taking suicidal action against Chinese firms just to please the USA. The Japanese puppet has been screwed around by the Puppeteer without realizing its own interest is being compromised, just like the stupid Europeans.

People in glass houses should not throw stones. Japan is in deep trouble with its economy and the Yen slowly turning into rubbles, and still thinks it is a global economic power trying to please the USA, its master puppeteer. What is laughable is that a crippled Germany can still overtake Japan to become the third largest economy in the world. Further slide in the Yen may see Japan slipping further into the sewers.

If this is not a display of 'stupidity has no cure' syndrome, what else is?



  1. The woes of the Yen are most likely caused by the evil sickos as they control the currency market at the moment. Dedollarise and things will change and go back to fundamentals.

  2. Japan cannot follow de-dollarization as it is under the thumb of the USA. Even trying to prop up the Yen is not allowed. Janet Yellen warned Japan against over-reacting, knowing Japan will sell its US treasuries to buy Yen. Japan is a total puppet on a string.

    Kishida thought that by raising interest rates from zero will change the situation. It failed miserably, despite Japan even spending billions to prop up the falling Yen. Japan is a very sick country economically today, all because of the USA's control of its economic direction. Yet Japan is following the USA's dictate to sanction China. Just like the EU, Japan is going to sink into oblivion. Only 10.4% of Japanese in a poll wants Kishida to remain as PM.

    It is ironic that some countries have still not realized the consequence of following the USA after seeing what the EU is turning into just by sanctioning Russian energy. Russia is not yet on the level of China in economic strength and clean energy innovation. Sanctioning Chinese EVs is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

    BYD is pulling out investments in Europe and migrating to Mexico. The Mexicans are welcoming them with open arms. Jobs will be created and EVs made in Mexico will flood the South American and Global South market. BYD is perceptively distancing itself from investing in the USA and Europe for good. There is a bigger market in the Global South, which it is eyeing and will dominate. What are USA and EU EV makers going to do to compete? Cost wise they are unable and unthinkable to do so.

    And with China also erecting tariffs against USA and European cars entering the Chinese market, it is a no brain move by the USA and EU to raise tariffs against Chinese EVs to the heavens. It will hurt their own carmakers more than China. And it will certainly hurt their own consumers buying expensive cars that others in the Global South are paying much less for.

    Suffice to say, shooting their own feet seems to be the intention of the USA and the West. So be it.

    1. I beg to differ on your statement of these sickos shooting themselves in the feet. They're actually shooting themselves in the head.

  3. It would be good if they had been shooting their own heads, which would have gotten rid of them for good. But they came back again and again by shooting their own feet, which will not kill them outright.

  4. After throwing all the allies under the bus, the USA will throw itself under the bus as well.

  5. Kevin Walmsley on 'Business Inside China' just gave us a clearer look at who is in fact depending on who in the semiconductor industry. This is a fact that many of us failed to realized listening to all the propaganda trotted out by the USA Government and MSM. Kevin analyzed his view based on facts culled from statistics from non-other than the USA Defense Department itself.

    Almost all USA weapons system from aircraft carriers, jet construction, missile control systems and drones have to depend on semiconductors from Chinese manufacturers on top of China having almost total control of the essential raw materials like rare earths. It will take decades for the USA to be able to extricate itself from this control by China and at exorbitant costs to start with. By that time China will have already overtaken the USA as the No. 1 economy in the world and mankind welcoming a multipolar world.

    Kevin's analysis shows the high dependence of the USA's Military Industry on Chinese semiconductor manufacturers and not the other way round as they have been lying to their own people. The mantra of the chips sanction against China was to prevent China from accessing and advancing its weapons system, which is just saying the opposite in reality. If China is supplying the USA with essential semiconductors for its weapons, could China be depending on the USA for such semiconductors in reverse? It really blows the mind to think of using such an argument. China is not wasting time fighting such propaganda.

    Both aspiring USA Presidential candidates for the 2024 election are lying to their own people talking about totally cutting off semiconductor supply to China to cripple its military. The irony is that USA voters are completely ignorant of the real situation and swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker.

    As one person commented, it is really nonsensical that the USA is very concern about National Security issues arising from unimportant imports like EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, wharf side cranes, electrical transformers, Tik Tok and others, when it is not concern about the more important issue of semiconductor reliance on Chinese manufacturers for its most important sector, the Defense Department.

    In times of conflict, China could easily cripple the USA Military power by cutting off such sources of essential components for its military hardware. China will off course, not be doing that currently, as trade in them is still lucrative for Chinese manufacturers. Yet, no one in the USA is talking about the reality, only hyping up the innocuous like over-capacity, EVs, China's trade with Russia, threat of sanctions that will hurt the USA even more.

    The USA is so intoxicated with its own lying under its own propaganda, misinformation and lies, that it is believing in them to its own detriment. Sun Tzu's Art of War says - Know your enemy - and what it takes to bring it down.
