
Mahathir destroyed, Anwar builds. Mahathir drove away Malaysian talents to Singapore

 The irony is that when Malaysia gets a good leader, Singapore will bear the consequences. All the years of the Mahathir Government principally provided Singapore with all the advantages to grow and prosper at Malaysia's expense. Mahathir was not leading the country forward but nitpicking on issues and feathering his and his children's pockets, creating racial disharmony to remain in power and harming the country. While Anwar Ibrahim was more forward thinking as his deputy, that did not end up well for him in the eyes of Mahathir. He was punished with trumped up charges.

Anwar Ibrahim sounds like a good leader now leading the country forward. But the problem is that he has not yet garnered the full support in Government and has to rely on the tainted UNMO to form a coalition. This is preventing him from exercising his leadership role without hindrance. And the opposition, PAS in particular, and Mahathir are dead set against him. An IS plot against the Malaysian King and Anwar has just been uncovered and arrest made. Who is behind it is going to be interesting. Mahathir had earlier been associated with another plot dubbed 'The Dubai Move' to remove Anwar. Of course, Mahathir denied all links to that attempt.

Talents from Malaysia who came to study in Singapore refused to return to serve the Malaysian side. Most stayed behind, became citizens and contributed to Singapore's growth instead. With incentives like jobs paying multiple times what they can get in Malaysia, who does not want that.

Past leaders like Goh Keng Swee (born in Malacca), Hon Sui Sen (born in Penang) and Howe Yoon Chong (born in China but migrated to Malacca) were also Malaysians who remained behind after separation, providing Singapore with the talents and insights in Government. But of course, they would never be given the opportunity to contribute their talents under the racially biased UMNO Government ruling Malaysia.



  1. Mahathir must not die too early in order to see his Karma unfolding. He needs a long life, long, long life.

  2. The past several decades can be said to be 'Malaysia's half century of humiliation' just like China losing control to foreign power intervention between 1839 to 1949 and dubbed as 'China's century of humiliation'.

    Like China rising like a phoenix from the ashes, Malaysia needs a regeneration with a good leader in charge. Malaysia literally needs a Deng Xiaoping to be followed by equally astute and pragmatic leader like Xi to carry through the changes. But with the racial policy deeply entrenched, it will be a difficult task for any leader to do the job. Racial or religious politics destroys most countries, though it may return good result for those ruling the country and needing majority support initially. When racially endowed voters tasted the forbidden fruit, removing that endowment is going to be impossible.

    India is morphing into what Malaysia went through, utilizing religious sentiments to woo political support for the ruling party, the BJP, but not without danger when that falls apart. Nothing is forever. Support cannot depend on religious sentiments forever, especially when jobs and living conditions are not properly managed. Shouting religious mantras to rally support cannot generate the jobs to put food on the table nor pay the rent.

  3. Looked what happened to Robert Kouk. He gave & gave & kept giving but they were not satisfied. Keep wanting something for nothing.

    Its too late for Malaysia. The rot has set in deeply. Not just the administration, the politics, the education system but worse of all, the psych of the majority people.

    55 years of rot cannot be undone, at least 2 generations grew up with this, believing it is the norm. Now try telling them it needs changing & they now have to have meritocracy. There will be riots like the ones in 1969.

    When, not IF, the crazy religious party comes to power, things will get worse. Clerics who have ZERO understanding of anything outside religion is now in charge.

  4. Ya, believing in the right to take from the minorities without having to work for it.
