
America continues to perpetuate genocides in Gaza and Ukraine

 The Ukraine War started well before 2022, but the USA and the West are trying to promote the Ukraine War as a Russian invasion without provocation. The War against Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region started in 2014 or even earlier in 2008. But this part of history is never invoked to give a real picture of the background. Those who took the Western propaganda at face value will condemn the Russians as invaders for no reason. That was supposed to be their 'Principled' stand.

The Israeli/Hamas war followed the same pattern, just promoting the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, as without provocation. All those years of Israeli forced occupation and seizing of Palestinian lands to build Israeli settlements was never mentioned as the real cause of the Hamas attack. Hamas was just taking up the cudgel on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza, just like the Russians in the Donbass region. Again, those who took the propaganda at face value will condemn the Hamas attack of October 7th on Israel as unprovoked.

Strangely, unprecedented, overwhelming and overreacting Israeli attack on a smaller state was not considered an 'Unprincipled' invasion. It was genocide on every scale to extinguish the Palestinians for more land to build Israeli settlements. And who was behind the Israeli action? It does not need a three-year-old child to figure that out, LOL.

In the language of the USA and the West, those opposing them are accused of being terrorist. And the MSM and cronies will repeat the chorus over and over again. The irony is that such propaganda will stick for those not wanting to find out the truth.



  1. Those who tell the truth are accused of perpetuating disinformation or misinformation. When they themselves generate disinformation or misinformation, that is their right to do so. Were they taken to task by any world body, including the deluded UN itself over the Iraq War? Using terrorist threats put paid to any action to bring justice for the Iraqis.

    Those who go against them are accused of being terrorist. Even those fighting for their right to exists like Hamas on behalf of the Palestinians, are claimed to be a terrorist organization. Israel killing tens of thousands of innocents in Gaza is not an act of terrorism by a de facto terrorist state. It is being claimed as just protecting itself against threats by those innocent victims comprising women and children. This is their warp argument.

    Only the biggest terrorist of the world can have the right to judge who is a terrorist and who is not. Attacking Iraq and Libya and killing its leaders is not terrorism. What was the reason? Iraq and Libya were advocating the pricing of oil outside the US$ and were attacked unprovoked. Unable to have justification, they generated the fake WMD hubris in Iraq to launch their attack. But no war crimes for the USA leaders or its military personnel, including those leaders in other countries like Tony Blair. This is what they call 'justice' or their 'Rules Based Order' or disorder.

    Now about the release of Julian Assange by the UK after more than a decade in detention. It seems, in my opinion, a precursor to something more sinister behind the event. While in UK detention, getting rid of him in prison, like Jeffrey Epstein, is too openly apparent. Using the same modus operandi is bound to arouse suspicion. But a freed Assange is a different thing, and he must guard his safety even more diligently.

    Forget about the plea bargain nonsense. Most of what is revealed are already common knowledge digested and have little value to compromise the USA and the West. Getting rid of him permanently to erase his legacy will be a better deal. Just like destroying any link to the CIA in the John F. Kennedy assassination, working out like a charm. A double assassination ending with a scapegoat dying in prison killed off any link to the CIA.

  2. All those peace moves, and ceasefire deals to end the two wars are just postures to fool the world. The USA does not want to stop the war, not in Ukraine nor in Gaza. After all, Netanyahu already said that any ceasefire is not going to stop the war. Netanyahu also needs the war to stay in power. And the USA knows that in Ukraine, Putin will not accept any return of conquered territories to Ukraine, which Zelensky is calling for to get a peace deal.

    If an attempt is going to be successful, the USA or UK will throw spanners in the works to sabotage the deal. They will invent hurdles to sidestep the deal, claiming it works to the disadvantage of the crony that they supported. It happened few times in Ukraine.

    A real peace deal can only come about without the participation of the USA or UK, nothing more nothing less. That is why the 'peace summit' in Switzerland is being called a shit summit with no possibility of success, even with Joe Biden staying away.

    How could that peace deal have any possibility of success without Russia at the talks? Who is answering for Russia in absentia? They probably wanted China to be the scapegoat, which China wisely refused to participate. And they blamed China for instigating other countries to stay away. The USA did that with veiled threats like 'You are either with US or against US' in most instances and Zelensky thinks that China will stoop that low to follow the footsteps of the USA.
