
Is cocaine in the White House American Exceptionalism?


 Do not forget that USA 'exceptionalism' extends to everything, even lying, cheating and stealing. What is a little cocaine in the White House after all? It is just cocaine and if USA can invoke 'exceptionalism' at its whims and fancies, why not Joe Biden?

A little cocaine in the White House is insignificant, affecting only Joe Biden and maybe his beloved son. Compare that to the walking dead on Kensington Ave, Pennsylvania, with a whole street full of people high on drugs. And that is not the only location. It is a nation-wide drug addiction problem. It probably is good that drug addiction extends from the ground right up to the top of the pyramid, so no one can complain, right? So, why try to blame China?

Give old Joe a break, will ya! Poor old Joe is suffering elderly abuse at the hands of the Democrats and has a pile of problem regarding his son, his own health and how to deal with gangster and ruffian Donald Trump. What Joe really needs is a nice place in an old folk's home, undisturbed, not having to be pushed around by handlers telling him when to sit, when to stand, when to turn around, when to walk and when to fall, oops. 



  1. We have 'walking dead' movies made in USA. 'Walking Dead' drug addicts on the streets in USA. 'Walking Dead' President on drugs with a whole retinue of walking dead administrators in the White House.

    It never rains but pours.

  2. Joe is not going to talk about drugs in the White House. Keeping quiet about it and it will go away. Just like the genocides in North America.

    The Democrats are preparing Joe for questions from Trump during the debate. Hope he does not forget while in the debating hall and start talking about his dog when asked about cats. Besides drug testing, Trump must check whether Joe is using any hearing aid during the debate, LOL.

  3. Smoking or chasing the dragon in the White House sounds normal. Bill Clifton smoked cigars in the Oval Office while playing one hole golf with Monica Lewinsky, LOL.
