
American colonies in same situation as China in the 1930s


 In the early 1930s in China, with many territorial concessions given to the foreign invading powers, China was cut up into pieces like a water melon. The 8 western powers, Japan was one of them, had their own territories in China which they called their own, administered by their respective police forces, their own laws and their own soldiers. Japan was particularly notorious with a huge army operating inside China, ruling over China like a colony within a colony. They employed the Chinese to work for them under Japanese rules and laws. And with their military forces, they planned to take over China by force, to colonise China with the help of the Chinese in their employed, with traitors and willing Chinese conspirators. China's sovereignty was at stake with the enemies inside China, on Chinese land.

The situation of many modern states with foreign military bases are very similar to the concession territories in China. The foreign powers actually own the land in the bases, have their own laws, police and soldiers to protect themselves, and if necessary, to take over the countries concern with their military forces. Can you imagine what a foreign power can do with their own military bases, airfields or ports, to stock up all the weapons needed to serve their interests, not the interests of the host countries?

What is happening in Europe is a stark reminder to other countries about having foreign military bases in their land. Japan and South Korea are two very unhappy occupied countries, with many American bases forced upon them, in the name of protecting them, but in reality, turning them into American colonies. Their military presence means they can decide who would be the leaders of the respective states, ie leaders that are pro America, like propping up Zelensky after initiating a coup in Ukraine. Any leader that is not pro the foreign power ie Americans, would be removed by regime change. Saudi Arabia is in a similar situation. They cannot get the American bases and soldiers out of their country.

Today, the Philippines are happily inviting the Americans to set up more military bases, up to 9 from 4 bases, to turn the Philippines into a de facto American colony. And the Pinoys are very happy about it. Or at least they are not protesting like how they protested to chase the Americans out of Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Force Base in the 80s. Now they are welcoming the Americans soldiers back with open arms. Maybe they are planning to be the 52nd state of the USA. 

The Americans are now in a position to decide who would be the President of the Philippines, and now working with Marcos to change the Philippines Constitution to allow him to be president for two terms. Another option is to raise tension and declare martial law like his father and rule the Philippines for as long as he likes. The Pinoys are increasing losing the right to decide what is good for the interests of the Philippines and another dictator Marcos is in the making.

The era of independence movements, independence fighters is over. Fighting for the independence of a nation state, to rule themselves, by their own people, is no longer a desirable thing to the Philippines. They chose to be ruled by the Americans. Similarly, the Taiwanese are very happy choosing to be ruled by the Americans and the Japanese. Who else is next, to want to invite foreign military forces to reside in their own land and to rule over them, to decide who should be their national leaders, with the approval of the foreign power?


  1. Chinese everywhere must realize how fortunate that China had not be torn to pieces by the eight nations in the 1900. Had that happened, Chinese in China today would now be like the Native American Indians and the Australian Aborigines, having to live in reservations aka concentration camps in the Gobi Desert, under Anglo-Saxon White control. There have been repeated attempts to tear China apart by the West and Japan, but more than five thousand years of tenacity and wisdom saw to its survival against all odds. China is retaking its position in the world today.

    The Japanese, thinking that they will control China, had conducted massacres in Nanjing in 1937, probably hoping to exterminate the Chinese population altogether. They even conducted biological tests on Chinese victims intending to end the Chinese population for good. That was what the Nazis did in its attempt to cause the extinction of the Jews in Europe.

    For that, Chinese everywhere must remember Mao Tse Tung, who was instrumental in throwing out foreign forces inside China. Mao may have made some mistakes, but his getting rid of foreign forces destroying China was something that the Chinese population are forever thankful for and never will be forgotten. His portrait hanging proudly at Tiananmen square is testament to his importance in Chinese history to the Chinese population. As Chinese, are we not thankful for what Mao did? Only 'Orang China Bukan China' will rubbish that.

    And for throwing out the foreign forces, Mao had been demonized to no end by the West. They picked on his mistakes and magnified them, like the famine under his policy. Likewise, Xi Jinping will be demonized for his part in causing the fall of the US$ hegemony and the USA as the sole superpower.

  2. Ugly US racism displayed as US Deputy Secretary of State says Chinese should not be allowed to study sciences

    Kurt Campbell, the US Deputy Secretary of State claimed on Monday that the US should welcome more students from China, but to study humanities rather than sciences. He said that international students studying sciences can be recruited from India, "an increasingly important US security partner."

    In recent months, the US has been harassing Chinese students studying in the US under the pretext of national security, especially those in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields such as artificial intelligence, information science, cybersecurity, electrical and software engineering and electronic information engineering.

    Campbell's remarks directly indicate that the US does not welcome Chinese STEM students; if Chinese students come, they can only study humanities.

    Why humanities not sciences? It's perhaps because studying humanities may help facilitate Western cultural "penetration" into China.

    As early as April 2020, racist anti-Chinese US Senator Tom Cotton stated that Chinese students should not be allowed to study sciences in US colleges and universities and that they should only learn about Shakespeare.

    If China is not military strong, the Americans would have de-humanize the Chinese and slaughter the Chinese like the way genocidal Israelis are currently murdering the Palestinians!

  3. The Chinese should tell that Tom Cotton guy to 'shake Chinese spears' instead of studying 'Shakespeare'. This is the same guy that cannot even differentiate between a CCP member and a Singapore citizen. He does not even know the graduate situation inside India and wants to talk about recruiting Indian students to study science in the USA. Just cannot understand why he is fond of talking nonsense and making a fool of himself. As they say, no one will say he is stupid if he just keeps his mouth shut.

    Chinese universities have better courses in humanities than the USA to speak of. How old are the Chinese classics? Ancient China already had imperial examinations on humanities rather than science, to choose leaders to govern the country. What can a few centuries of USA history teach the Chinese, with more than five thousand years of history, about diplomatic behavior? Kurt Campbell is another moron that still thinks Chinese students should just enroll in USA universities to study cooking and how to wash clothes?

    After getting all the Chinese students to fill their top universities and reaping all the monetary benefits over the decades, they are now talking cock and singing songs. Who wants to study 'Shakespeare' going all the way to the USA and paying an arm and a leg to get such a degree? With all these morons leading the country, the USA does not really need enemies.

    After decades of free loading on cheap Chinese products, they are now talking about China stealing their jobs, fueling overcapacity, cannot trade with friends, must follow their script and all kinds of nonsense.

    Suffice to say, even without the USA now keeping Chinese students out, Chinese students are already avoiding the USA, benefitting other destinations like Australia and turning to local universities that are rising up the ranks to give a better, cheaper and safer education.

    The USA has no more bargaining chips and is resorting to using illogical arguments to keep China down. This is not going to work out. It is too late for such hubris to work. As what Russia is saying, the USA is just shooting at the wind. Devoid of targets, the USA is just shooting at imaginary targets.

    1. The sickest country on earth is at its terminal state, doing desperate, illogical things to stay relevant in front of their inbred hillbillies. They are just rotting away inside and outside. Their current leader is just a demented puppet controlled by the Jews who own and run everything with just profits in mind.

  4. Kurt Campbell is still unaware or acting dumb not knowing that India is actually playing both sides, pitting the USA against China hoping for them to destroy each other. He probably has never heard the saying about trusting an Indian compared to a snake.

    Both the USA and India are untrustworthy snakes themselves. They both hope for the destruction of China. When China is destroyed somehow, India will not get any better treatment from the USA. That is a pipe dream for the Indians.

    The USA never look at Indians or other colored races as equals. As long as India plays a subordinate role like Germany and Japan, helping and follows diligently the dictates of the USA, it will be left alone. But India already is telling the world that it is an up-and-coming superpower. The USA is not going to take that lying down when the time comes. That is why some call USA the 'United Snakes of America' not for nothing, LOL.

    What are Kurt Campbell's real agenda for attempting to boost the ego of India regarding recruiting Indian students to study science in the USA. Isn't that going to lead to India becoming another China? He is actually also playing both sides, cultivating and using India to counter China with a little bit of encouragement here and there.
