
Free people of the Global South rebel and unite against the oppressive Evil American Empire

 Why are so many countries from the Global South rushing to join the BRICS camp? Simply they have had enough of American military intervention, oppression, bullying, threats, sanctions, interference and assassination of their popularly elected leaders. The free people of the Global South are rebelling against the coercion and oppression of the warmongering Evil Empire.

No more deceits and lies about the fake free world, fake democracy, fake human rights. The free people of the Global South want real freedom, freedom to choose who are their friends, freedom to trade with whoever they want, freedom not to be forced into wars, freedom to use whatever technology they want, freedom to choose to use their own currencies, and freedom from wars and oppression.

BRICS will give everything the people of the Global South want.  They need not be forced to impose sanctions on any country ordered by the Evil American Empire. Russia has just made an announcement that one of the main criteria for BRICS membership is no unilateral sanction against any BRICS participants, especially against Russia. 

This criteria will rule out all the American colonies and cronies that had imposed sanctions on Russia. All the BRICS countries would be free from American sanctions, and free to trade among themselves in their own currencies or BRICS currencies.

The people of the Real Free World United are rebelling against the oppressive and Evil American Empire. No more wars, no more massacres and genocides.

PS. The freedom to trade, to choose which technology to use, who to be friends with, are also NOT available to the American colonies in Europe, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and American crony states. They were coerced and not allowed to buy cheap and good EVs from China, cannot use good and cheap 5G from Huawei and have to use fake 4.5G pretending to be 5G, cannot buy excellent high quality Huawei mobile phones, have to use sub par AIs, cannot use Beidou, the best global positioning system, etc etc.


  1. The Americans are now threatening to sanction German banks for not following the sanction against Russia.

    The Americans are particularly harsh coercing against its cronies. But some cronies are willing and happy to do whatever the Americans ordered and pretended that they were not coerced by the Americans. And they even passed the buck to China, accusing China of coercing them, not the Americans.

  2. Embassy of Russia in Singapore (June 21, 2024)

    " . . the decision of the Singapore authorities to send their ministerial representative to Switzerland with a traditional anti-Russian menu cannot but cause disappointment. We do not think that this decision is consistent with that national interest of Singapore and the position of the ASEAN countries that form the immediate neigbourhood of the city-state (by the way, one of them, Vietnam, has just welcomed on an official visit Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose negotiations ended with large-scale agreements), and most importantly, it runs counter to the needs of creating an open and inclusive regional security architecture, which is threatened by the Cold War proponents, wrapped up in Indo-Pacific strategies and hatching plans to create an Asian NATO.

    We would like to believe that the local political class will be able to free itself from the ghosts of a confrontational colonial worldview and take the side of genuine multilateralism, free from slavery, coercion, dictate and giving countries the opportunity to make free and independent choices.

  3. Who would be the first Asean state to volunteer to join an American proposed Asian NATO?

  4. The likely state would say it joins because of national interest and on grounds of principles. And definitely not pressured, coerced or influenced by the Americans.

  5. Thailand ‘bravely’ lines up to join BRICS amid West’s confrontational narrative

    Thailand has submitted a formal letter requesting to join BRICS and hopes to receive positive feedback, said Thai Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nikorndej Balankura, in a bid to become the group's first member from Southeast Asia.

    Observers said on Friday that BRICS' continuous expansion demonstrates the Global South's joint call for cooperation and pursuit for a fairer global order, and Thailand's potential membership could be a prelude to more ASEAN members, except tiny West-leaning city-sate Singapore, joining BRICS.

  6. Indonesia was the first Asean state to apply for BRICS membership but has since been very quiet. Is it because the US agreed to sell them F15s on condition that they cannot join BRICS?

    Is Indonesia cosying up to the Americans and distancing itself from the Arab and Muslim World and staying out of BRICS?
