
American universities losing their attractiveness due to racist and bigot policies

 The USA thinks it is smart to target Chinese scientists, engineers and academics working in the USA, erecting barriers, accusing them of spying and discriminating against them in visa applications. Thousands of Chinese scientist and engineers have been forced to leave the USA for China. What is the effect? It is a strategic loss for the USA and a strategic gain for China.

China is benefiting from all the top scientists and engineers leaving the USA and being welcomed back, moving into its scientific establishments and contributing to its innovation.

USA trained Academics are moving into Chinese universities, creating avenues for setting up English based programs for foreign students. That is a godsend, with China building universities like Lego bricks fast and furious. Chinese university standards are also rising and attracting foreign students.

With quality education and affordability beckoning, besides being welcomed with open arms, foreign students from Africa and Middle East are flocking to China to do their studies. And Chinese students no longer have to pay an arm and a leg to get into top USA universities and getting discriminated against.

Even top-rated USA universities are now suffering monetary losses with Chinese students avoiding them. Why would Chinese parents risk sending their children to an unsafe environment after paying a king's ransom for a place in a top university in the USA?

Only the stupid would do that.


1 comment:

  1. Everything the USA did is just shooting its own foot. But they do not think it is important. The USA is around just to take all the benefits today and the future will look after itself. Their toilet paper is going to remain the global reserve currency forever, or so they think. They were wrong and found out too late.

    The USA wanted to take advantage of cheap 'slave labor' and moved their manufacturing to China. They enjoyed the cheap products for decades, made by Chinese and also their companies paying just 'slave wages' to Chinese workers. It was a wonderful arrangement, with others producing and USA citizens just merrily freeloading.

    Then China progressed by leaps and bounds over the last three decades and they were caught flat-footed and suddenly they woke up and screamed that China stole their jobs. They also accused the Mexicans and South Americans of entering the country and also stealing their jobs. Jobs that their own people do not want were stolen by Chinese and Mexicans among others.

    When they needed Chinese and Black slaves to work their mines, build their railroads, work in their cotton fields, no leader in the USA complained about Chinese, Blacks and others stealing their jobs in the USA itself.

    Now, the USA is throwing subsidies to attract EU manufacturing to the USA. Is the USA stealing jobs from the Europeans? Of course, the EU will not say so. After all, what can vassal states say to their master? Even told to bend over backwards, they will just take it in the arse.
