
You seize my assets, I seize yours. Who is the end loser?

 That is provided the weapon sales to Ukraine is going to be paid back at all. Ukraine now even needs the help of the NATO countries, using seized Russian assets, to fund its on-going war with Russia. And we are not even talking about rebuilding infrastructures that have been destroyed by Russia.

Ukraine can never repay the USA for those weapons or aid. Nothing can be retrieved from a black hole. It is gone forever. Biden is living in dreamland, thinking that repayment can probably come from the US$300 billions of Russian assets, most of which are in Europe. But talking about it is just theoretical hubris if he is going to be out in November. The feel-good ecstasy for the voters is not going to last. Russia will likewise seize the assets of USA companies in Russia, which are also substantial. Who will have the last laugh is still unknown.

China must also be wary of investing further in the USA or the West. In fact, it is time now for China to accelerate divesting in the USA and Europe, looking at their targeting of Chinese products. The USA is no longer investible, and Europe is highly risky for Chinese companies to invest going forward. This is a blessing in disguise for the Global South, which will benefit from Chinese money investing in their country instead. And why not for China to do that, with lower wages and cost to boot.

Decoupling is never more important for China. The USA wants it, China could help.



  1. Yellen is telling the G7 to step up its help to Ukraine using the assets seized from Russia. This old lady is tenacious despite looking deceptively frail. That really also indicates how broke and desperate the USA and NATO are.

    She is really going to destroy the EU and the USA with her rhetoric. The whole world is watching and wondering who is next if the EU goes ahead with officially confiscating those Russian assets. It will give additional impetus to the de-dollarization move by BRICS.

    Yellen must be suffering dementia as well, having forgotten the failure of her oil cap move and her Beijing trip. She must have dreamt in her sleep that she can bring down Russia by asking the G7 to do her bidding of confiscating Russia assets to help Ukraine.

    Zelensky himself is now admitting to failures on multiple fronts. He is going to use convicts to be drafted into the army to fight his war. That tells us how desperate he is now.

    By the way, the Japanese also resorted to using convicts during WW2 when they faced problems of recruiting soldiers needed to oversee the regions that they took over. That probably is the reason why so many atrocities were committed by the Japanese army during WW2. Convicts are convicts and during the war they are like animals running wild.

  2. The Zionist Jews are a bane to the world. They are a very wicked and destructive force given that they constitute a very minuscule minority ethnic race in this world. Janet Ellen, Bidamn's Secretary of the Treasury, Blinken and Madeleine Albright, President Clinton's Secretary of State from 1997 to 2001 are all blinking zionist Jews who somehow worked through deceptive ways into powers of position to wreck the world into destructive violence for the geopolitical agenda of the Zionist Jews. Unless the Zionist Jews are destroyed there will be no peace in the Middle East and the whole wide world.


  3. That is why China is investing in countries outside the USA and EU. The USA is said to be un-investible for China by some, and Europe is equally risky. Xi's trip to Serbia and Hungary and the economic momentum coming from China's investments in these two countries is sending a stark signal to Europe. Italy is realizing its missteps in moving away from the BRI. Too little too late.

    Serbia is neither in the EU or NATO and is safer for China to set up manufacturing and invest in the country. It is a blessing for Serbia, for not having its hands tied by being in the EU like Hungary. Hungary may be in the EU and NATO but is a lone voice against the policies of the EU in general.

    However, than makes Viktor Orban a target for assassination like Robert Fico of Slovakia. Orban has to be really careful, more so with the latest cementing of ties with China and development plans that will send pangs of envy to other countries in the EU. The Anglo-Saxon Whites fear that trend taking root causing fragmentation in Europe.
