
PAP policies in Hougang

 If I remember correctly, Lawrence Wong was the one who spoke his mind about framing policies to punish Opposition Wards from having access to estate improvements and keeping the opposition estates in poor condition compared to PAP wards. I could not find any of the article about this, but if my memory is faulty, I apologize. Nevertheless, the narrative is true.

Wong claimed that the more repressive the policies are against opposition wards, the more resentments the people of those wards will harbor against the PAP. More repressive stance against them will harden their resolve and the PAP cannot hope to regain such wards, as proven in Hougang. The most telling evidence must be the old man's presence at an election rally in Aljunied GRC years ago, talking about HDB prices, and yet losing that GRC ward to the Workers Party in a historical setback for the PAP.

Of course, the mainstream upgrading program was stopped years ago, after the puncturing of the myth that HDB flats will continue to increase in value after undergoing upgrading. When someone asked whether that still holds true when the lease of the flat reaches 99 years, the PAP leaders were stunned. The PAP knew the cat was out of the bag and stopped the main upgrading programs that they had leveraged on to win votes for years or even decades.

Over the years I have noticed discreet changes in the PAP Government's stand regarding Hougang, a constituency that I have lived in for close to 39 years. Lately there were lift upgrading, home improvement programs like toilet upgrading and other improvements in common areas. Suffice to say, that was one reason I voted Tharman, sorry for that, in the recent Presidential election, a move that I would never have done before in any election, of ever voting for the PAP or those connected with the PAP.

Hougang is now a different estate that even those who moved out earlier have noted the new environment unfolding before their eyes. My two kids who moved out to Punggol after their marriage have still expressed their fondness for the laid-back estate which they grew up in, every time they visit us. 



  1. Hi All,

    The Papies had their Culling Think Tanks so called Scholars just like the Americunts which days in and days out brains storming nothing but instigations and sabotages of how to sabo and weaken the weak and innocents.

    Nothing good from them.

    Sinkies are been plucked wholesale of their MUP.

    Paying nearly 20K just for a small little kernel room next to the Toilet and their bed room.

    Most of their proceeds are to beautified their exterior estates which are supposed to be done by the TC or HDB.

    Now come to the SERs which they once promised that the Singaporeans value of their flats would not fall but increased in value.

    All it not most Sinkies thought that in time to come their old flats would turned into new ones with thr magic wand of the PAP.

    Yes, they have their magic wand but you have to pay extras for your dreams.

    Now they one scheme called VERs aka Voluntary Estates Resettlement.

    You be given yes new flats but sorry my dear friends you have to cough out few hundred thousands Dollah to top up your lease.

    Depending on how many years your balance lease and top up new ones to the 99 year leasehold.

    Many oldies brought their old flats at below 50K that last time.

    Now have to foot another few hundred thousands ah just to live in a new flat and had to move out all the hassles into a new environment.

    With few hundred thousands last time Can buy condoms, oops Condos you know.

    Where to find that extras few hundred thousands to top up?

    Have to line up the Sinful Booths to buy the 13M Toto and poh.

    Don't top up then you stay until your old lease expires and then kaput.

    Cannot even leave them for your children.

    Want to sell also no value. Lease too short no value.

    So Sinkies are caught in their Webs of Deceits.

    Anyway, there is a still a hope.

    Voluntary Resettlement means a Vote is needed for Yes or No.

    So the only way of survival is to VOTE NO!

    Then remained in your old flat and Estate till the lease runs out.

    But Sinkies very kiasu and kiasi one.

    Also easily conned.

    So no change lah

    Sure kena plucked one.


  2. Amendments Kernel for Kennel and Change for Chance.

