
Xi's visit to Serbia - What is the message?

 The American and western propaganda machinery were running in full steam trying to belittle the spectacular reception that Xi received in his tour of France, Serbia and Hungary, uttering nothing was achieved.  And some were asking, what was the message, implying that it was all just a show with nothing substantial to show.

The warmth receptions from the three European states, giving Xi a welcome that no other head of states has ever had, speaks volume of the stature of Xi as a statesman and the importance of China in their interstate relationship. The reception were out of the ordinary for any head of state, meaning the visits were out of ordinary.

Other than the signing of commercial deals and cooperation, the more important deals are discussed and signed between closed doors, in one to one meetings. Definitely not in front of that woman called Von Der Leyen. She does not need to know. Xi and Macron had plenty of private time together on the way to Macron's grandma's house, without the presence of that woman of course.

There is another very important message from Xi in his visit to Serbia to remember the unethical bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999. At that time China was still militarily much weaker that the American terrorists. So China swallowed the bitter pill, but the chapter is not closed. Xi specifically made this trip and to raise it to remind the Americans is a very significant move. China is now ready to exact revenge on this cowardice act by the Americans, killing three Chinese nationals in the Chinese Embassy, violation of Chinese sovereignty and international protocol and putting up a weak excuse that they used an old map, a mistake.

Not to worry. With the Americans flying and sailing their warplanes and warships near to China's territorial space and waters, China has plenty of opportunities to make mistakes and take down a couple of warplanes or warships. The notice has been announced and made know to the American terrorists. The time has come to settle old scores. It is now a matter of when and where, when China would make the same convenient mistake to down an American warplane, warship or even an accidental cruise missiles into an American Embassy or the fake embassy in Taiwan.

Xi did not take time to visit Europe just for fun. Every trip he made abroad has very serious implications and consequences. Just you wait, American terrorists. And let's hope the force of the wake did not slap little Mickey Mouses monkeying around as scapegoats when China strikes.


  1. Xi's visit is unlike those USA Senators visiting Taiwan. These USA Senators were just freeloading themselves at the expense of the Taiwan people, even needing bribes to visit.

  2. And what were those senators and freeloaders doing in Taiwan? Talking cock and singing song.

  3. What benefit did Taiwan get? Holes in the pocket.

  4. To settle the score for the Belgrade Embassy deaths and wounded, China has a credit of 3 deaths and more than 10 wounded. This means China can take down a few pilots in the East China Sea or the South China Sea, together with more than 10 wounded but not dead.

    The aggressive American terrorists provoking China in the East and South China Sea better be warned. China retains the initiative on when to avenge the deaths and wounded in its Belgrade Embassy using the same excuse as making a mistake or a misfire.

    Or perhaps a cruise missile hitting the AIT building in Taiwan, oops, using an old map.
