
Richard Wolff's clear and concise discourse on the Phenomenon of China


A 30 minute of discourse by renowned political economic thinker, Professor Richard Wolff, on the social and economic growth in China that the West have desperately tried to ignore and dismissed, refusing to recognise the realities and their impact on a new world economy. This is an educational and eye opening lecture for those that have been lied to by the western leaders and media about the truth of China's economic phenomenon.
China's ambition and goal, were to be better, richer and more advanced than the USA. USA is the model to surpass, not to be defeated military or to be put down by force. It to compete with the Americans in all fields of enterprise without cold or hot war, unlike what the Americans are doing to bring down China by all evil and unethical means.


  1. If China, with a Socialist system (embracing a capitalist touch) beats the Democratic System and becomes the No. 1 economic power, that is going to puncture for good the whole superiority myth espoused by the USA that democracy will always triumph socialism. It makes nonsense of the boasts when China does overtake the USA, which it certainly will. The proof will be there, the reality does not lie.

    The Vietnam War was still in the era when the USA and the West were still touting the superiority of Democracy over Socialism and that was used as a justification that they were fighting a war to defeat the inferior Socialism system. Instead, they were defeated. That mantra has now been turned upside down with China's rise. And the rise of China is so rapid, it left the Democratic superiority myth in the dust and turning it into dust as well.

    How can the USA and the West accept defeat or live with the idea that Socialism is now a better system for the world to follow? They could not and neither could they still use that argument to denounce socialism as an inferior system.

    But notice that they no longer are using the democracy vs socialism argument in geopolitical discourse, knowing it holds no water. Rather, they invented the 'Rules Based Order' nonsense, using human rights issues, fermenting fear mongering over Chinese threat at every conceivable opportunity and preventing China from having any influence in other countries.

  2. The HARD Truths.

    Another one Things are going to get worse in South East Asia.

    Somebody scurried away fast

  3. https://youtu.be/Y789SugNiA0?si=NrjBAKaVJW_X8ANC

    Recession and Depressions soon?

  4. Without wars and money pumping into the war industries, the Americans would have gone into recession and depression long ago. It is wars and wars that is keeping its economy on steroid.

  5. Would we really believe that they want to end the Ukraine War and settle the Middle East conflict? Not a chance. It is all an illusion. The two wars have given the USA Military Industrial Complex so many benefits selling weapons to Ukraine and Israel, it is too good to kill the goose laying the golden eggs. That narrative about stopping weapons delivery to Israel is just a show and an eyewash. It will not be prolonged.

    In fact, the USA Military Industrial Complex is not producing weapons fast enough, after exhausting the obsolete ones delivered to Ukraine. There is a critical shortage of ammunitions to go with those weapons they delivered to Ukraine.

    They actually wanted to drag Iran into the Middle East turmoil, using the Israelis to bomb the Iranian Embassy in Syria. But the response of Iran made them think twice. Iran is now the biggest influence in the Middle East, while the USA is no longer calling the shots. The geopolitical landscape in the Middle East has changed.
