
The real purpose of a foreign military base...for regime change

 Knowing that such USA military bases are just there to conduct regime change if needed is a thought too scary for leaders of those countries to behave too aggressively against the
Evil Empire. Duterte had been warned discreetly. Not only that, but it was a matter of survival for Duterte who admitted that he may not survive the CIA, the assassination arm of the USA Government.

And the Evil Empire knows they have those countries by the balls. That is why South Korea and Japan are so obedient. Even the Japanese ruling Taiwan are on the Japanese wagon of compliance.

Now the problem for some African countries, some Middle Eastern countries, some countries in South America, the Carribean Islands and Pacific Islands having to face is how to get rid of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist clique still hanging on with their military bases still casting along shadow of threats against them.

China and Russia are helping in Africa, but it is a slow process of elimination as the Russians are doing in Niger. 



  1. Imagine allowing a thief to live in your house and thinks that everything is going to be just fine. The fact is that you will lose everything when the thief decides to do what he does best. You are basically the owner in name only, the thief owns what you have in the house. It is his to take at leisure.

    The USA is just like that thief, wanting to live in your house or country, but for what purpose? With promises to protect you, your family and your house or country against other intruders and thieves, which will be their usual snake oil sales pitch. Not on your life should you believe in that hubris.

    The USA has more sinister motives than that. It is to protect the USA's own interest. And that interest is being able to control your home or country with their sinister threat in the background, which is the military base installed in your backyard.

    It was a good thing that Communist China, under Mao Tse Tung, managed to clear out all the foreign filth trying to set up base to break China up. Japan had been the one country committing the most atrocities in China, all the while aiming to take control of China before the Communist took over. Japan is still harboring that thought but is today just a shrunken shell of its arrogant days, with a falling population that is unable to fulfill its ambitions. Like the UK, Japan is still living the dream of its glory days and unwilling to let go.

    It is also a logical thing that Russia is putting a stop to NATO trying to encroach nearer to its borders, undoubtedly with military bases to be set up in Ukraine by NATO vis a vis the USA, that will pose a threat that Putin had to put a stop to. That has been the USA's dream of having a military presence nearer to Moscow, which is its main interest all along in pushing NATO's agenda.

  2. Saudi Arabia is in this predicament. There are at least 20,000 American soldiers in Saudi Arabia, supposedly to protect Saudi Arabia, but really to control Saudi Arabia. This is one reason why Saudi Arabia still dare not confirm its membership in BRICS.

    With the American bases, they can fly in anything they want, any number of soldiers and weapons they want.

    Japan, South Korea, Germany and several European and ME countries are in the same shit. But they have no choice. They were conquered by the Americans. The Philippines is a different kettle of fish, already driven the Americans, now inviting the Americans back to control them.

    What a silly joke.
