
Americans fatal dependence on its war industry

 Will blowing out China's candle make the USA's candle shine brighter?

Will crippling China's over capacity in EVs and other renewal energy sectors be better for the rest of the world? How is more expensive EVs going to make life better for the rest of the Global South? Only a fool will fall for all that over capacity propaganda. Take away China's contribution in every sector and the world will suffer a catastrophe of sorts.

The world can survive without wars. The world does not need weapons if there is no war. The world will survive without weapons and war. That is the reality. But the USA depends on war. The USA thrives on its war economy, its Military Industrial Complex is contributing nothing but weapon sales for countries to fight each other. As some critics mentioned, the USA cannot even make simple things to benefit the world. Nuclear missiles by the thousands, high priced fighter jets for sale to the world, ammunitions for war machines it provides to countries - where does all this stand to benefit the common people?

China is doing its part to lift people out of poverty outside its borders today. In Africa, South America, Middle East and some Pacific Islands, China is building infrastructures needed for them to progress. The USA on the other hand is creating wars to destroy those infrastructures in all parts of the world, putting people into misery and poverty. This is all a ploy to inflict backwardness and disabled the people involved from standing up, making it easier for the USA to divide and control. The same mindset inherited from the evil Anglo-Saxon Imperialist Whites of old, particularly the evil Brits. 



  1. The USA's Military Industrial Complex is now outdated in its thinking and outperformed by China, but still producing extravagantly expensive and outdated stuff like aircraft carriers, submarines and fighter jets.

    Despite outspending China in defense, the USA is not moving fast enough in military innovation and strategy. Cheap drones used by the Houthis are now taking out expensive USA made missiles costing tens of millions, or thousands of times more to build as seen in the Persian Gulf.

    The real determinant of results in future wars is centered on drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, hypersonic missiles, unmanned underwater drones that will pose the most threat to aircraft carriers, support ships and submarines. Those new weapons are what China has been developing over the last decade, cheaper and better, things which the USA is now starting to realize and is what they are critically short of and trying desperately to produce them in numbers.

    Just far behind is the USA in drone technology can be seen in Ukraine and Israel. Both countries have discarded their USA made reaper drones for atrociously much cheaper Chinese drones made for civilian use, that can be bought off the shelves at Walmart, just by reconditioning them for military use. These drones were said to be more reliable and accurate. Just imagine how much more lethal are the military drones used by the Chinese military and you can gauge the gap that China is leaving the USA in drone technology.

    The USA may be trying to move in that direction but has already lost the window of opportunity to overwhelm China in military terms. That is why there is little perceived advantage that the USA still holds over China in military terms. China is becoming a peer competitor in the military arena as well, something that was thought impossible.

  2. Biden is going to give another US$1 billion in new weapons to Israel. And all this while talking about suspending military help to Israel in its Rafah campaign? The USA talks one thing and immediately do the opposite. This shows how untrustworthy they are, and can anybody ever trust them to keep their words?
