
No more free trade, no more Slave labour, no more American lies

 Free trade was what the USA and the West invented, forging all the deals around the world, trying to open up access to markets, into and out of the USA and Europe. But it was mostly just to take advantage of the cheap 'slave labor' that they were interested in, in order to produce cheap goods for their 'freeloading'.

Their own companies took advantage of that opportunity too and relocated to China, in particular, and in droves to make bigger profits. Then it slowly became a mission to accuse China of stealing their jobs. Jobs paying 'slave labor' wages that USA voters would probably shun. Then their industrial base started declining so badly that they were losing more jobs as more companies relocated, lured by the bigger profits they could make, and the USA and the West became hysterical.

Then Trump came alone and wanted to 'Make America Great Again'. And it was music to the ears of voters in the USA, and they swallowed his hubris - hook, line and sinker. And Europe followed the same warp thinking. Now they discovered luring back those companies or industries became a big problem. They lack the skilled manpower, the essential raw materials, the supply chains, and they will also lose the China market. So, how? Keep repeating the China threat mantra and hope it will stick. Again, blowing out China's candle will not make theirs shine brighter, right?

Now free trade is bad and needs to be killed. Countries like China are paying 'slave labor' to workers. Xinjiang products must be banned because of 'slave labor'. The Uyghurs are suffering mistreatment by being paid 'slave wages' to work in cotton fields, that were categorically shown to be largely mechanized. How tear jerking was those mistreatment claims in Xinjiang. If only those in Gaza were accorded the same love as the Uyghurs by the USA and the West. But crocodiles are crocodiles. And the CCP Government is to be blamed, not the companies employing those 'slaves'.

Suddenly, and strangely, after decades, the USA and the West became aware of 'slave labor' in China, when for decades they were enjoying all the products made with 'slave labor' wages on Walmart shelves. They were enjoying so much that they forgot all about the 'slave labor' wages paid to workers in China.

Moreover, for centuries before that, they themselves were already paying Africans and probably Chinese workers 'slave labor' wages to build railways, ports, mined gold and work in cotton fields. They probably weren't even paying 'slave labor' wages then but using free labor. Worse still, those were Black slaves kidnapped from Africa. I guess all that has been forgotten. Blame it on dementia!

You can bet the USA will conveniently forget what they did before that those others followed. And those that followed were accused of a crime that the USA committed and prospered upon.



  1. India is going to be the next 'slave labor' victim just like China. It will come. Just wait and see.

    What are USA and Western companies relocating to India for from China? To take advantage of the 'slave labor' wages of course. And India's population is growing so fast and so desperately in need of jobs, the slaves will be in abundance to be exploited.

    Of course, the narrative is to help India industrialize to counter China. Nothing will be said about the 'slave' wages being paid by USA and Western companies in India for now. That is for the future when India rises to compete with the USA and the West.

    And, of course, in due time, the overcapacity mantra will also surface for India for flooding the global market with cheap products made with 'slave labor' wages that the USA and the West could not compete. But they have to change the spin into overcapacity that is causing problems for the rest of the world to compete. The Global South can compete well enough and does not need the USA to stand up for them. They are just being used to justify the USA and Western agenda, nothing more nothing less. Just like using the 'Coalition of the Willing' support during the Iraq War. To add justification to the USA's evil agenda.

  2. https://youtu.be/amIw1MaFe7E?si=o0S5TKMjTEPDwii8

    UASSA cannot compete.

    Useless parasites
