
Mickey Mouse provoking to start wars they cannot win but only to self destruct

 The satire of the super clever and always win Mickey Mouse in the cartoon series is fun to many children. The victory of the weak over the strong is always a great theme to adore and celebrate. It is a great feeling to see the weak triumph over the strong against all odds. Caveat, this is only true in cartoons, very rare to happen in real life.

Many leaders must have grown up watching Mickey Mouse cartoons. Many have grown out of this childhood fantasy as they turned into man. But some would live with this fantasy for life. Zelensky of Ukraine is a perfect example of a Mickey Mouse man. Under all circumstances, Ukraine can never think of defeating Russia in a real war, unless in a script cartoon. But somehow, Mickey Zelensky thought so, with a lot of pushing and encouragement from the Anglo Saxon terrorists. Mickey Zelensky was promised the world to take down Russia. He can have everything, money, weapons, political and media support, and the whole of Nato and the USA and UK behind him. How can he lose.

The writing is now on the wall. Mickey Zelensky is losing and losing real bad. It would be ok if he is the only one that is losing. But he brought along the whole Ukrainian population and a country called Ukraine. Actually cannot just put the blame on Mickey Zelensky alone. He has the support of all the Mickey Mouse in Ukraine, all willing to follow him, to fight and die for him. The other Ukrainians, the smarter ones or the disinterested ones, just scoot and fled Ukraine forever. These Ukrainians would live on in other countries, without the scar of the Ukrainian Mickey Mouse.

Every Ukrainian Mickey Mouse that stayed behind, supported Mickey Zelensky, would have paid a heavey price, with homes destroyed, someone in the family dead of maimed for life. Did the Ukrainian Mickey Mouse saw this coming? No, they were frolicking and enjoying the victory and success of Mickey Mouse and think as Mickey Mouse they would triumph against all odds, especially with the Americans behind them and writing the script.

Strangely, fortunately or unfortunately, there are more Mickey Mouse wanting to be like Mickey Zelensky, and thinking they could also win. What is going on in their Mickey brain is hard to fathom. Every ordinary beans would have learn something from Ukraine and Mickey Zelensky. To provoke a war with a much bigger and super power is guaranteed to be another Ukraine. But they are doing it, stubbornly refusing to face the tragic truth in Ukraine. The Americans are behind them, they would win, or at least be safe to take on another super power like China or Russia. And they have many Mickey Mouse willing to support their fatal dreams of triumph against all odds.

In Taiwan there is Mickey Lai Ching Te and many Taiwanese Mickey Mouse willing to follow him to the grave, without knowing that Mickey Lai already has escaped plan to run when war starts. The rest of the Taiwanese Mickey Mouse would stay and fight to the last mouse. The smarter Taiwanese would do the same as the smarter Ukrainians, all waiting to flee Taiwan and let the Taiwanese Mickey Mouse to fight to the last mouse.

The same story is being written in the Philippines. Mickey Marcos is thumping his chest at China. And he has many Pinoy Mickey Mouse behind him, in a war that Mickey Marcos believes he cannot lose, and his Pinoy Mickey Mouse also think so. The story of Mickey Zelensky and Ukraine is unfolding before Taiwan and the Philippines. Let them hallucinate and party as Mickey Mouse in the make belief Mickey Mouse cartoons. 

Stupidity has no cure.


  1. https://youtu.be/lSXLGE_ANfI?si=q_ZCsnagz6AUcxLnin shame

    Had seen and listened to this Kishore Mahbubani's speech and forums in so many charters and still cannot had great respects for this extraordinary mam with great wisdom and humility.

    Hid views shall have all these Mickey Mouses or Rats in shames of what's they are leading to.

    His says that Sinkies are Prisoners to the Western Narrative and are so silly not to even know their lies.

    Actually, it's also the Channel News America that is also one of the culprits that brains washing the Sinkies.

    Who the main Culprit behind this?

    He said actually China is trying to be more acceptance to be on equal terms with Nations Big or Small.

    But it's the Mickey Mouses small Nations that are hostile yo them.

    So be aware when the BIG STICK falls on you then you cannot even recognise your Father and Mother and also your House.

    So Mickey Mouses better wise up.

  2. All the Mickeys think the USA will always be behind them. A slogan claiming 'iron clad' support can get rusty in time. Or when the chips are down. Or even a change in the White House.

    That is why NATO is terrified of a Trump victory in November. Trump already demanded EU's contributions towards NATO expenses be increased, while the USA still controls the alliance. Heads the USA wins, tails the EU loses. Not to talk about the massive economic losses already suffered by the EU, resulting from the Ukraine war, which are the countries framing NATO.

    The USA left the South Vietnamese in the lurch after they lost their pants and fled. The former 'USA stooge of an Afghan Government' was left to face the Taliban, after the USA also fled, losing their pants in a hurried exit. And that 'USA supported Afghan Government' also fled in the face of small arms wielding farmers.

    The Taliban took over a treasure trove of USA weapons left behind in Afghanistan in their hurried exit. They reversed engineered them and are now using some of them - free of charge which would otherwise cost them millions. They are also exposing all the secrets culled from their captured USA equipment.
