
Africa, Pacific Islands, the Middle East, Latin America, kept as underdevelop states by the West

 The USA and the West could not stomach the fact that the BRI and AIIB are weakening the influence of the IMF and World Bank with regard to global infrastructure developments and marginalizing the control of the USA and the West on countries taking up loans from the IMF and World Bank, entities that are under their total control. That control by using the IMF and World Bank can be said to be a modern version of imperialism using financial strangulation.

Much has been said regarding the BRI debt trap narrative, generated to demonize China's efforts to help poor countries to progress. Africans have been telling the West that China's loans have infrastructures constructed to show off and economic benefits reaped.

That is counter to what the West had offered in loans just to keep them under debt traps and mired in poverty perpetually. Decades of Western Imperialism in Africa sees little progress except the installation of Dictators beholden to the West and helping the West to continue its plundering of Africa's resources.

Many African countries are still under Western Imperial rule but are now shaking off their shackles. And many Pacific Islands are doing the same, fighting to free themselves from the yolk of imperialism. They wanted progress, not military help when no threats are evident.


1 comment:

  1. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I am talking about Zelensky. Stupidity has no cure!

    Ukraine is at the doorstep of Russia, a nuclear power. Zelensky is asking the West to nuke Russia. How stupid is he really? Who is going to face retaliation immediately by Russia? Russia is not going to disappear with one or two nuke strikes. It has the ability to mount a retaliatory strike. And Ukraine will be its first target.

    Belgium, another stupid NATO country, is talking about sending 30 F16s to Ukraine over the next four years. Can Ukraine honestly last another year, not to talk about four years down the road. This is not going to make Putin pee in his pants. 6 to 8 F16s a year is not enough target practice for Russia.

    The 'theory of victory' of the West has really got into the head of Zelensky. The war in Ukraine will not end well for him.
