
Iranian President assassinated?

 I honestly believe that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi would one day be assassinated. That he died in a helicopter crash is too simple to believe. It must be the 'Mother of all Coincidences' to have happened in such a way.

Several Iranian military leaders have already been assassinated by the USA or Israel. The stakes are higher this time, with the recent puncturing by Iran of the Israeli 'Iron Dome' myth and the warning by the Iranians of sidelining the religious factor preventing Iran from going into possession of nukes. This is rattling the USA and Israel.

Many analysts are now saying that Iran is the biggest influence in the Middle East today, taking over from the USA. This is indicated by Middle Eastern countries like Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and UAE all refusing to allow the USA to launch retaliative strike from their territory against Iran a month ago. They knew that antagonizing Iran is not a good move. That tells us who has a stronger influence in the Middle East today.

So, is taking out Iran's influence not on the agenda of the USA and Israel? Taking out Iran's nuclear ambition is already a pre-occupation of the USA and Israel. And for Iran openly declaring its intention to go nuclear is rattling the USA and Israel. Only the myopic cannot see the true picture.



  1. Three helicopters, and one crashed. The one that crashed carried the President and Foreign Minister. Sounds too coincidental to be believed.

  2. If the West thinks Iran will collapse just because its President is dead, they are mistaken. Iran has a long history of survival against all odds.

  3. Now that the ICC prosecutor has seek arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his hoods, more assassinations are going to happen. And that is the job of the CIA and Mossad. Already the threats are surfacing openly.

  4. Raisi's chief of staff, who was in the helicopter right behind Raisi, implies there may have been foul play because the president's helicopter inexplicably chose to go into the fog.
