
Americans scrapped 'world best' F22 and left with dud F35. Why?

 The American and western media have been blowing their own trumpets about how superior were their weapons and technologies. The F22 is the best fighter aircraft. F35 is also very good, but much inferior to the F22, and plagued with numerous problems. Only fools that believed in American propaganda and lies would want to buy the F35. Or they were forced to buy as protection money to the Americans, thus no choice. No fish, prawn also ok.

F22 and F35 are American's best. F22 supposedly better than China's J20, But dud F35 very much inferior. Now that the Americans have stopped production of F22 citing nonsensical reasons to can a so called superior fighter aircraft, the best American fighter aircraft is now the problematical F35, basically a dud. No American fighter aircraft is now in the class of China's J20. 

The former Indian Air Force Chief, using Indian logic and thinking claimed that the French Rafale, a 4.5G fighter is better than 5G J20. His logic, when India had 1 Rafale, China deployed 5 J20s to the border base. When Indian received 4 Rafales from France, China increased its deployment to 20. So 1 Rafale is as good as 5 J20s. Very clever thinking, without knowing that China has nearly 1,000 J20s while Indian could only afford to buy 36 Rafales. He added that Rafale has been operating for 25 years, tested in war. J20 is new and not tested in war. So Rafale is superior to the J20. Forgetting the fact that the Rafale is 25 year old technology while the J20 is the latest 21st Century technology, the only 5G air superiority aircraft today. 

How many people would buy into this Indian kiddy logic? Rafale more superior to J20 and 1 Rafale can take on 5 J20s?  I try very hard not to laugh. The Rafale would be shot down without seeing the J20 and would not know what hits it in combat.

How to fight against the PLA Air Force? Actually the scrapping of F22 tells a lot about its fake claims of superiority. Why would the Americans scrapped their so called best fighter aircraft if it is really that good? And now left with a sick F35 that is no where near the J20. The F35 is a mismatch against the J20, not even near the Rafale except for all the false claims of superiority. The Americans must be deranged to scrap their so called world best fighter and left with nothing good. This is like claiming to have gone to the moon but finally admitting that it was all fake. F22 superiority is all fake and no point sticking to the lie. F22 is only good for shooting down hot air balloon, and needed several shots to hit its target. 

 The Americans would now have no aircraft that they can claim to be in the class of J20 once the F22 is out of service. No more air superiority for the USAF. Unless they believe in the Indian claim and go about acquiring the 25 year old tech Rafale. The fact that the Americans are not doing so says a lot about the capability of the Rafale. Case closed.


  1. If the level of intellect of an Indian Air Force Chief is like that, you can imagine the quality of thinking of all the senior Indian military officers.

  2. Hello build your own Fighter planes!

    Why depended on the Frenchies?

    If China attack you with their 1000 J20 what's your Raffle Raffle Toast
    Ban Chien Kuey gonna do?

    Needed replenishments of spare parts etc.

    The Frenchies gonna standby for u ah?

    Anyway, Frenchies stuffs are useless only their French Caps.


  3. The imbeciles would soon be rushing to buy Rafales, because the Indians said so. The imbeciles believe in everything the Indians said.

    But their American masters would say no. How can buy French and not American bestest aircraft?

  4. 'World Best' yesterday only. Not today!

  5. Latest, US Army refused to take delivery of upgraded F35s. The Americans know more of what the F35 really is, all its problems.

    Only the imbeciles forced to buy this dud aircraft did not know or pretend not to know that the F35 is not what the Americans claimed it is. The Americans are selling this dud F35 to their cronies and allies, just like selling fake mRNA vaccines.

  6. In 2022, F35 delivery was stopped by the Pentagon when it was discovered that an engine component came from China. In 2023 it was said to be software problems.

    Strange that China seems to be causing all the problems in the USA since Biden became President. Drug problems, overcapacity problems, Huawei problems (since his predecessor), TikTok problems, DJI problems, BYD problems, soon A to Z problems all will be because of China. Even Biden's dementia will be fair game to blame China.

  7. Soon they will blame China for the stupidity of all Senators and Congressmen.

  8. F22 and F35 are like overfed chicken in the sky.

  9. Would anyone throw away a diamond because it is too expensive or costly to maintain?

    Smart people will only throw away fake diamond.

    Stupid people will buy fake diamond and pretend that it is real diamond.

  10. The Americans are bragging again that the F35 is a monster beast that is untouchable.

    The truth, China's J10, J15 or J16 would be able to take on the dud F35. Even the Rafael is better than the F35. No amount of hypes and lies can make the dud F35 becomes a better aircraft when it is NOT.

    See how they bragged about the useless Patriots, claiming 95% kill rate, like the fake mRNA vaccine with 96% efficacy but proven to be fake and useless. Only the most dull people would allow themselves to be lied to over and over again by the Americans.

    Another example is Ukraine. Ukraine winning? Everything about the Americans is a big lie. The Empire of Lies is crumbling under its own lies.

  11. The gullible would rush to buy more F35s. What ever the Americans claimed, the gullible and naive would believe.

  12. The F35 is like a fat chicken in the air, with small wings, overweight, aerodynamically out of shape, and grossly under powered by one engine.

    It can only frighten countries without a decent air force. Try taking on the Russian or Chinese fighters, this fat chicken would be easy meat.

    Only gullible would think this is worth the millions the Americans are demanding.
